This will be extremely random and put together. Sorry if this is blah and makes no sense. I fear if I don't do it now, I never will. *sigh* here goes the last couple of weeks:
This was just tonight. Don't mind her awesome outfit and hair :( I just love how curious she is about ANYTHING! (especially our shoes)

This is Irelands friend Bailey. She is such a cute girl. her family is HUGE Broncos fans (as is my family) so I had made Ireland wear her broncos outfit when bailey came over in hers. I was so happy to see Bai bring the bows I just made her! Oh, anyway, Bailey has come several times a week to play with Ireland and they are so cute together!

We had a big girls night out this week. There were 7 of us and we went to dinner at Iggys and then my cute cousin carly got us all into a movie at her work for free. This pic is 4 of us at the 2nd movie (yes we saw 2!!) that night. And same with Twilight night, I didn't get pics of everyone that came. (sorry Misty, Heather and Bridgette)

Had some gift cards, so me, my sister and Ireland had a shopping day so I could get Leighton some summer clothes! here is Irey all dressed up cute in her tutu. I thought it was a fun, girly shopping outfit. ha ha

This is us AGAIN at applebees. We go way too much. :) But our good friend works there and gives us free drinks, dessert and most the time free wings as well. So we keep going and having fun.

Gotta always keep the kiddos entertained. Bubbles. Classic. Works every time!

We had another night with movies and pizza and.... Richard! ha ha this is a cool dude megan and mekell know. He came to join our girls night out. (Daniel didn't make it in time so Richard was the only guy) I didn't get pics of the girls cause they might possibly kill me if I didn't ask first

We had a birthday party at my house! I have some fun pics I will someday put up... *sigh* as well as our vacation to lake tahoe and a million others. here is Ireland being the girly girl that she is. The shoes she put on herself. And she strut around in like a pro

We had a house full of sickies. Poor Ireland was sick and for some reason just wanted to drag her GIANT horse around then lay on him. she is so funny

These last few pics are my accident prone child.
Then after THAT healed, here is my baby right before our walk, happy as ever and as always practically perfect......

...... then she was running from me and I was chasing her growling. Yeah dumb idea, she looked back while still running and fell face first on the cement. :( I felt SO bad. poor kid
right after nap. looks like only the cheek and nose is bad

then a few days later. every time I looked at her it made me sad. I still feel horrible.

then a few days later. every time I looked at her it made me sad. I still feel horrible.

onto less depressing things: On saturday I went to Kristinas "meet and greet" for all her blog buddies. I had already met her but wanted to go meet other ladies. So I took my sister and it was so fun! Thanks Kristina.
Also I have not only had regular bow orders to make and get out, but I have my booth to get ready at the expo center in May! It seems forever away, but I have to make hundreds of bows, flowers, headbands and what not by then. yikes!
plus I am trying to get Leightons room ready. and I am starting "nesting" I think, because I have a list of over 3o projects I want done before the baby comes. We're planning a trip to st. george in the next couple of weekends, plus another trip to lake tahoe to go camping. Wow, I just realized that I have more things to do. HA HA. at least my life is never boring!
2 congrats real quick:
Amber, congrats on the birth of your BEAUTIFUL new princess!!
Leilia, congrats on your marriage!!
whew. good night