Friday, July 29, 2011


I am:

Reading: my scriptures, a talk in which I am supposed to give a talk on this Sunday, a few Ensign articles and Complete guide to Family Health, nutrition and fitness.

Relieved by: sleep. which is where I am headed after this

Looking forward to: playing with my girls in the morning

Stressing about: giving my talk this Sunday

Craving: just sleep

Wanting: a new vehicle, a nice toned body, sleep and patience

Proud of myself for: working out tonight and also for completing every single chore and "to do" item on my list for the day

Wearing: comfy jammies .....hey why does my font and all that keep changing?? weird.....

Addicted to: Dr. Pepper. good grief. I drink a lot. It's sad how much I drink. every single day

Avoiding: making phone calls. I dread talking on the phone. I sweat and get nervous and shaky and I just get weird. Its a completely insane fear

Suffering from: my head hurts

Struggling with: patience

Excited for: raging waters

Splurging on: nothing right now.

why oh why do my blog posts change like that? It only happens when I copy someone's stuff and post it here. obviously the answers are mine but... eh. oh well. never mind. I am tired and clearly delusional.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

I'm excited are you excited?

I have access to some of my pictures.!!
In reality, I take at least 20 pictures a day. I have zero photography skills, nor do I try. I cannot edit photos, nor do I try. I see my cute kids, I whip out my camera and snap away. If truth be told, most the time I aim the camera and am so busy looking at the kids, not through the camera that I end up with lots of heads cut off or pictures that are blurry. ha ha oh well. I just want the memories :)

Anyway here are about 24, yes I said 24- pictures. They are random and may only be fabulous to me. I am ok with that. There is no order or specific reason for these particular ones. I just opened my memory card with literally hundreds and hundreds of pictures so I just stole some.

loooong explanation. here is the short version: I found some pics, hooray!!

with this one I heard: "mommy, mommy yook (look) *giggle* cool" ha ha I love how she says "cool" for everything

this kid has been feeding herself cereal for months and months and makes very few spills. She for the most part can successfully drink her milk too :) then you see sister's bowl and as usual it is left abandoned and not finished.

library bound!

these girls LOVE their sister. They are always, always singing to her and getting her to smile

bath tub fizzy colors. They each pick a color then a few toys.

Oh hi, I am just laying here all cute and stuff

Happy birthday Leighton!! runnin nakie because it was hot. Silly girl, those are for Mr. Potato head

her gift: a guinea pig! She instantly named him Piggy. Ireland calls him Mozie. So he (or is it a she??) has 2 names I guess

Birthday girl

awwww sweet piece of Heaven

ok so can I just express my total and complete jealousy issue? My daughters have amazing, thick, healthy, curly hair. Where they got it from? no one knows. I have literally only combed Ireland's hair about 5 times not counting combing it into a pony tail.I don't have to. After her bath it air dries into perfection. I straightened her hair the night before this picture was taken (I rarely do that bc the heat can damage her hair) by the next day it was already curling again

she dips her hair in the pool

does absolutely nothing...

a few minutes later wild, perfection. sigh.

just some fun pictures:

yes my 2 year old bites her nails. obsessively. all day long :(

first smiles caught on camera

sick yet you would never know looking at this

Ireland's boyfriend

the end. for now. you better believe this was not even close to all my pictures long over due :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

just a thought

Just having thoughts about how you never know someone's situation so don't pretend or assume you do. It's so true though, think about it. You never ever know what someone is going through. What about that car that raced by a while ago and cut you off and you yelled at them, possibly cursing, giving them the finger..they could have been getting to a family emergency. What about the other car a different day... could have been a husband getting his wife who is in labor to the hospital. What about the lady with a bad attitude at the store... any chance she just lost a family member or she is really sick with a life threatening illness or she just lost a job. The thing is... you don't know. You couldn't know unless they told you. What if that ornery person just was having a sucky day and could have used a smile. What if that person got a smile from you and they thought " hey, maybe today really isn't so bad" then they turn and smile at someone else and they smile at someone else. Maybe that could make someone's day. Maybe not. Couldn't hurt. You may not know why someone is rude or driving that way- maybe they really were just a rude driver but thats the thing.. you have no idea so why let it bother you? It is already over with.. move on, smile and think of something happy. Why let a quick incident ruin a perfectly good day. Every day you are the lucky one who got to wake up. You get another day. Pretty cool huh? So walk out into that beautiful sunshine and smile at a stranger today. please?

happy day!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This thing is covered in dust

Why oh why is it so hard for me to keep up with this darn blog? I always have things to put on here and I always forget to post. Hmmm I am going to forget details to everything if I don't get on that. Trying to adjust to life in a new home. new baby. new town, new.... everything. We are keeping busy. So busy in fact that in the 4 weeks we have lived here, I STILL have not completely unpacked. oops. The only rooms left to finish are the girls room and mine and Daniel's room. They don't seem like a priority when I have so many fun new things to do and explore with my kids. Living here is literally our dream come true. We have wanted this for so long. I miss my friends and family terribly but I KNOW this is where we need to be and right now. Yes it IS tough as Daniel is still only part time at his job. When he moved down here early to find work it sucked so bad when he lost his other job. Luckily I was still watching kids to help bring in money and Dan still has his design work. Even though things are extremely tight right now I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure Dan could be working tons and making more money but then I wouldn't be able to wake up almost every morning to him and the girls. Most mornings he gets up with the girls (bc I am up with the new baby throughout the night) and he makes us breakfast. He is home a lot and we get lots of time with him! We have been on a few hikes, the splash park, the library, evening walks, late night movies or shows on netflix, cooking dinner together, laying on the floor coloring together, countless stories to the kids, art projects, tickle fights, loving on the new baby and all the things we can think of to do as a family on a limited income and daniel having little hours at work. It is HEAVEN. I love it. It is a good feeling to wake up most days and ask what do we want to do today?? It took a LONG time to get here. I watched kids since Ireland was 5 months old. She will be 4 in October so I have never ever been able to wake up and ask what we can do for the day. I loooooove day and night to just play with my babies and not be so exhausted each night that I can make dinner at night and get housework done and plan adventures. I feel we deserve this. We needed this so badly for us and for our kids. They love living here and love being within walking distance of everything fun a kid could want to do.

We will be headed up to Salt Lake around the 8th of this month. My father in law is coming this way anyway so he will pick up me and the girls. We will stay in my old house (that will be weird and so empty) for a few days. Apparently when we moved, our insurance coverage couldn't come with :( our "coverage area" doesn't cover where we live. At all. SO we are a tad behind on things I thought we could take care of once we moved. So while in Salt Lake I will: take myself to the eye dr and FINALLY get my correct lenses put in my glasses (hooray for being able to see soon) I need to get Leighton new glasses. her nose piece broke and she has bent the glasses so many times, they are mangled... well she is two! I still need to see my dr for my 6 week post natal visit. Ashlyn needs her 2 week shots (yeah she is 7 weeks now) as well as her two month check up and Leighton's 2 year check up. Let's see... oh yeah Leighton is also behind on immunizations. Man you would think I was busy before and after we moved huh?? jeez. anything else I need to take care of?? ha ha ok moving on.... then I will stay at my mom's for a few days then on July 14th I will go in for surgery. I need to get my deviated septum fixed. I am so excited to not feel like this anymore!! Also he will remove the nodules off my vocal chords. I am extremely optimistic that I will sound and feel a 100 times better after I finish healing! My mom will care for me and the girls through all of this. Then back home I go. The sad part in all of this: Daniel can't afford to take time off of work so he can't come. Also our anniversary is the day after surgery and I can't be with him. Reasons I am doing this and now and in Salt Lake: My insurance stops the end of July. My Dr. is in Salt Lake and the only day the Dr can do it in July is the 14th. sad but it HAS to happen. I can not live with this anymore. I can't. I refuse and shouldn't have to. So Dan and I will celebrate our 5 year anniversary on August 15th instead. Should be lovely.

is this update long enough?? ha ha. hello, it's me talking... of course I am not done! :)

Leighton turned 2!! On June 24th. She is such an amazing little girl. She is so hilarious too. She really is a funny kid. She knows it and will do anything to get you to laugh. She is smart as can be and asks me daily to "do preschool" since I teach Ireland, she wants in too. Sure thing kiddo! I don't mind, that's the age Ireland showed interest too. Leighton loves to learn and blows us away daily with new things she knows. Things even I didn't teach her. She is just a sponge! She is a good big sister and is always getting the baby a binky or blanky and informs me every single time the baby cries. ha ha. thanks sis! Leighton is becoming super independent and wants to do everything on her own, and she asks to help do things around the house and we love having her help. Oh but she is a trouble maker for sure! ha ha she loves to push your buttons and see what she can get away with knowing you are watching her. stinker. jeez you would think she was a curious, growing, learning toddler or something huh? :)

Ireland... my sweet Ireland. In my post not long ago I talked about how we butt heads. I may or may not have made her sound like a brat. She so isn't. She is just head strong. As am I. We have extremely similar personalities and so we both clash at times. I seriously love her to death and wouldn't change her for anything. She is a big sister to TWO younger siblings and she is only 3.5 years old. A new move, a new baby, having mommy watch kids her whole life, sharing every toy she owned, having sister get a lot of attention with her bad health and hospital stay (Leighton is who I am talking about) and having her Daddy move away for over 2 months and everything else.... I would say she has every right in the world to be a little cranky or frustrated with the world, yeah?? I am trying with all of my heart to get her in a regular schedule sprinkled with lots of fun, new activities and fresh air. Trying to make things normal for her. She is such a good kid. She is a great big sister and is so protective of her sissies. She is a pleaser and wants to help make every meal, clean up, sweep the floors, ect. She wants to ask a million and one questions a day to soak up everything she possibly can. Both girls are doing well with sign language still. We, as a family are learning more and more. They both started to sign at age 9 months and have always continued with it. Daniel and I took a 9 week course forever ago and I have a desire to learn more. I will take a class at Dixie State and see where I get with that. The girls love it and its a fun thing for us as a family.

Awww my newest little Princess.... she is Heaven! Ashlyn will be 7 weeks old tomorrow and is the cutest little thing. She rolls over from tummy to back and has for a while now. Scares her to death every time. She does it every time I put her on her belly. She has an adorable smile and it always starts as a crooked lip, then big open mouth, twinkling eyes, then her gorgeous toothless smile. She coos and tries to "talk" often now. She is an amazing sleeper. She has since day 1. I often had to wake her up to eat the first 2 or so weeks. She would just sleep the hours away. Now she nurses between 1230 and 1 am, 4 am, 7 and so forth. Not a problem as I am up until 1 am anyway. I am a night owl. Sometimes she skips the 4 am and waked up at 6 to eat. It works well for me. I still can't believe I finally made milk for my kid! 3rd time was the charm. This is so weird and new for me.

wowza this was a tad long eh? ha ha ha ha. not sorry at all. Can't wait to get pictures up! We all know there will be far too many of those as well!!