Friday, September 16, 2011

couldn't have said it better myself.

This is a great post by a cute friend Aleisha. It's a must read :)

ps just because I thought it was adorable: Ireland was walking around and around in circles. She gets excited and says: "Mom, look! I am following the Prophet!"
I love that girl!

oh yes the matter at hand... go read her post. I needed that today.

Friday, September 9, 2011


I am:

Reading: The Scriptures with my family each night and The host.

Relieved by: air conditioning. You can not live in St George (comfortably) with out AC

Looking forward to: making lots of bows tonight, getting a huge load o' crap ready to take to the D.I. and getting kisses from my sweet baby

Stressing about: not a whole lot right now.

craving: nothing really.

wanting: to tone up this tummy of mine

Proud of myself for: losing all but 4 oz of baby weight. :) yes that last 4 oz matters. Just kidding but it is odd how I weigh what I did pre baby yet nothing fits well. Time for crunches I suppose

wearing: jean capris and a gray shirt. blah.

addicted to: hot yoga and hot pilates. yowza! I went with a new friend Katie to this hot Pilates class (think: a room with a temp set of at least 100 degrees) followed by a hot yoga class. I literally lost a pound. Just from sweating. Crazy huh? Gross? definitely. Awesome though? definitely. It makes you calm, happy, so freaking sore and completely wanting more!

avoiding: ugh, making phone calls. Again. I have put these off for weeks upon weeks and it's only hurting me.

suffering from: needing new glasses and I have a painful, broken tooth. Hmmm maybe if I could CALL and make appointments I could get in and fix the problems. sigh. No one would understand unless they had the same problem. I DO NOT like nor want to talk on the phone. Don't even get me started on this. :(

struggling with: see last two answers

excited for: we are taking the girls bowling tonight! It will be their first but hopefully not their last times. They are so excited. We have a plastic bowling set here. Yeah, the real thing will be much better

splurging on: stuff for my business. I have let that baby sit on the back burner way too long. I have new materials, new ideas and some super cute products I am proud to get out there! Daniel and I are getting my site up and running and I can't wait to show it off!!

update on the fam-

Daniel interviewed for (and nailed) this full time position at work! SO proud of him. So now he works full time (yes!!) and more money (yes!!) We have loved having extra time with him at home but so ready for him to do this.

Me- well like I mentioned, I am ready to rock with my business again. Its not that I was lazy or flaky or that I didn't care to keep up my business it was just with all the things I was going through the last year, I literally couldn't keep up. I had some of my regulars buy bows but my site has been down about a year so no one new could order. All that is about to change when I get everything back on track. I also was called as 2nd counselor in the Young Womens! I am over the beehives. I absolutely love it!

Ireland is 3 going on 13. I mean 4. :) Her birthday is coming up and she is so excited!! She loves anything Barbie, Dora or rapunzel. She is learning to read so she wants new books and she gets excited and tells me these huge lists of what she wants. :) She is such a sweety pie and is an amazing big sister! She loves her sisters so much but has this special motherly way with Ashlyn. She is so nurturing and it melts my heart.

Leighton is 26 months old. She is so dang funny. I know I ALWAYS say it, but she is! She is just hilarious. I can't even begin to describe her little personality. You would never know it by how shy she is around pretty much everyone (except close family). My poor Leighton is so clumsy though, this poor kid is always falling, tripping, running into everything, always bumps, and bruises. She always has headaches. Her glasses are all busted up and she needs new ones. She still has health problems but is such a trooper. She is such a blessing. She is an easy kid and she is all potty trained! Well.... she could use a little work with nights sometimes... but otherwise she is done. Leighton has this amazing vocabulary. She speaks in complete, full sentences and she uses these big words that are always used correctly. She is quite the jabber monster :) She also is an amazing big sister! She and Ashlyn are buddies :)

Ashlyn is almost 4 months old! Man I love this baby!! She is so cuddly and so happy. She had a rough first couple months of life and was very high demand and stressed but she has calmed so much and is much, much happier. She is still more high demand then my other two ever where, but she is still smiley and will jabber the day away! She is still nursing (what a blessing!! Never knew or thought I would make the milk for this long or for her sole source of food!) She weighs 11 pounds but never acts like she isn't getting enough and has plenty of wet diapers, she has tears so I know she isn't dehydrated. She is just tiny like her oldest sister. To help fatten her up, I give her bottles with pumped breast milk and baby oatmeal. I also started making her baby food. She loves it! She sits perfectly in her Bumbo and has awesome neck muscles and she eats off a spoon as if she has been doing it all her life... so I just give her little bits of baby food here and there. Ireland had digestion problems and our pediatrician had me start Ireland on baby food at 3 months old too so I know Ashlyn will be ok with having baby food that early. I made her pears and apples the other day. She had corn yesterday. She handled it just fine. She also had a banana in her mesh baby feeding thing the other day and a mango. She cried when it was gone! Anyway so hopefully she will start to gain weight a little more now that I feed her other things in addition to nursing. She also never sleeps anymore. She sleeps through the night but rarely naps during the day sometimes once a day and its short. She isn't fussy. In fact she stays wide awake and is happy so I know she isn't hungry but maybe an extra full tummy will help her sleep?? Does anyone have other suggestions to help her nap? Its not a big deal, but it would be nice if she slept once in a while during the day :)

well that's it about us. I have hundreds of pictures to go through and put up. I just hate putting them all over Daniel's computer and not knowing how to use this one very well. I miss my laptop :(

anyway have a good day :)