Monday, August 4, 2008

breast cancer

This is a blog I put up on my myspace page awhile ago. (It is constantly on my mind, just thought I would put it here because I use this blog way more. Like a journal. 
Anyway, the reason I am thinking about it so much is it a part of my life, my family. My dad's sister and my mom's sister both have this cancer. :(  My aunt lisa is still going through chemo and from her blog that I read often, I see she stays tough but is having a hard time. Also my Aunt teddi just went in for a biopsy today. Ah! It just is always a reminder how precious life is. If you havent' already, go hug someone you love.) here is my blog:

Well days like this where I just sit and think are never happy. Well occasionally they are. But not this time. So we just found out my aunt has breast cancer. So now I have 2 aunts with the cancer. One on each side of my family. I pray for them, so much, It's all I feel I can do, you know? It's tough. No, they are tough! I have no right to complain about anything right now. i want to be strong. for them. and for my daughter, to show her, hard things will come in life, but being strong, and positive, to have faith, that is what helps us through. I don't really know what else to say. Not even sure what all I am feeling. Aunt teddi, aunt Lisa: I LOVE YOU

1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

I'm sorry to hear about your aunts.