Friday, August 29, 2008


So my husband was kind enough to come in and fix my computer so I can upload pictures again. What I am not going to tell you as to save myself the embarrassment, is that he was in and out of there in like 2 minutes because all I had needed to do is empty the trash on my desk top to have enough room. LOL! what a nerd. Hey, I never claimed to be a computer genius. ANYWAY.... so here is the pics and story from last weekend. 
    So the plan was to go camping. We packed up two cars and headed up to big cottonwood canyon. Loooong story short, we didn't get a spot, so we did what every other person would do in this situation. We all piled all of our crap into my living room and camped at my house! It actually was so fun! The good thing is, we had indoor plumbing with clean toilets. bad news is... no fire :(   BUT we had a BBQ in the back yard. also, another plus, is we didn't have to deal with bugs or being cold at night. We did go up each day to the mountains to still enjoy the real outdoors. The first day we went to Cascade Springs, which is a favorite of my fam. We also went up Sunday to have our fire and make smores and roast starbursts. yes, you read that right. it was so yummy! Anyway, since it has been a while since I posted I felt the need to make this post five posts! ha ha. lucky. 

holding hands with her buddies

she loves being in the mountains!

Daniel doing what he loves (and is good at)

Ireland giving megan high five

dude. how cool do I look in this tree??? I am just asking.

1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

You definitely look very cool in the tree.