Sunday, September 13, 2009

I was thinking....

that I am a worrier (is that a word?). I get stressed easy and I am very stressed right now. I am worrying right now and none of that is helping anyone. Well years ago I made something. I was trying to get in shape and be positive and happy and healthy. So I went through magazines and cut out words, phrases and things  ( I made up a few of my own) and pasted on some card stock or I wrote them down and titled it:


~trust God

~Respect yourself

~ Always do your best

~ no one is perfect

~stop skipping meals

~listen to your body

~don't take anything personally


~don't make assumptions

~live for the moments

~it takes sweat to shine

~eat what you want


anyway I was looking over that and they are all things I still need to remember and live by. I know it may seem corny or silly but come on... we all enjoy being silly and corny sometimes right?

well that's all. Maybe I will make a new one. Or add new things. maybe add pics of my girls. 

have a wonderful evening

1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

These all sound like fabulous rules!