Saturday, September 26, 2009

So Big!

So princess # 2 is already 3 months old! Well she seems like she has been with us for always. I think back to when I had her in the hospital, when she had to be under the lights here at home :(  and all this time has gone but has only been 3 months. crazy.

Leighton is such a sweet and special girl. Learning to be so tough as she has severe food allergies like sister did. :(  eggs are bad but milk is the worst. milk is in everything, and sadly she does get so sick. But we have been through this before and know what we need to do to keep her healthy. mommy just has to watch what she eats!! 

I am so grateful Lei has such a caring, sweet, loving older sister. Ireland goes nuts over her!! Always wants to be by her and making sure she is ok. Giving sister blankies, and socks and binkies, a diaper, whatever! The other day Daniel and I took Ireland somewhere and left Leighton home with auntie. Ireland started bawling crying out "sissy! sissy! oh no!"  she was so truly upset that her sister was not beside her. cutest slash saddest thing ever! 

Sorry for the blurry pic. I gave Ireland some cereal and set Leighton down by her, Ireland says "oh thank you mommy!" then kissed Lei's head

Leighton we sure do love you! Mommy will have more to say about you when you get bigger and can do more! 


Angie said...

Oh they are both so cute! They are starting to look different than each other! I can't believe she is 3 months old! Crazy! Time flies! Hey...if you guys ever want a vacation you are more than welcome to stay with us in CA. If you plan a trip to Disney(they are free until they are 3)we could all go. Seriously think about a vacation out here. We'd love the company!

Kristina P. said...

They are both so adorable!

Kristin said...

You have beautiful little girls! Maybe one day they can meet my cute little boys. I tell everyone we believe in arranged marriages - how do you feel about that? LOL jk!

and - Happy Birthday Ireland!!! I LOVE birthdays!!