Thursday, May 13, 2010

sorry it shows my name with each status update that is just how it all copied. I don't want to go delete them all ha ha here is a pick of cutie the first day here

more pics to come! whole story is in the post below this one. ps for some reason with this new blog layout my posts come up with the font all different sizes. One part at the bottom is super huge and some is super small... ugh WHATEVER!!

Leighton Hallie

*this is now updated with pictures

I am officially SICK of hospitals!!!! Most of you know the scoop if you have me as a friend on facebook if not I won't remember details so I will just copy and paste all my facebook statuses to give everyone the newest info. I will fill in the blanks as I remember things or if any one has questions. here goes:

Mandi Harward Romney One day after surgery she is in the ER. Prayers and happy thoughts are welcome and appreciated. Thanks

Mandi Harward Romney They will be admitting her to the hospital so we will be going up to Primary's soon I guess. Possible pneumonia ?? Her oxygen keeps dropping

Mandi Harward Romney Thank you everyone! We are now at Primarys childrens hospital in their ER waiting for a room since they are admitting her. She will be here atp least until morning

Mandi Harward Romney It is nice to have such kind staff here taking care of my baby. and me! holy they have everything. The nurse asked if I needed sweats or a toothbrush and asked if she could make me a bed. um... sure! Lei's temp hasn't gone below 99 yet but at least it isn't 104 anymore! She still needs oxygen or her levels plummet. but her lungs are good. no pneumonia

Mandi Harward Romney for those of you wanting updates on Leighton: I spoke too soon. Her fever came back last night. Hasn't gone down a whole lot but IS back down to 100 which is good I guess. she is worse today. She seems to be in more pain, coughing more and I guess her right lung sounds worse. We still don't know what is wrong and they ordered another chest xray for today.

Mandi Harward Romney another update: She has a virus. She has some strand of RSV. She has something that sounds similar to bronchitis. I don't get all the medical words and such so I don't know it. She still has to have oxygen so that is the main thin they are watching is her levels. She still has to stay until she can breathe room air and be fine. Not sure how long that will take. She has a lot of pain and her face keeps swelling.

Mandi Harward Romney I wanted to take the time to thank everyone for the kind words, prayers, phone calls, emails, texts and visitors. This has been hard on us and even more on the baby but we truly TRULY appreciate everyone who has gone out of their way to make us feel loved and taken care of. We will be here longer still. She has yet to breathe on her own and needs to for 12 hours to go home. not there yet. She is on good hands!

Mandi Harward Romney sorry to family who has been waiting for news. here is the latest: Last night we kept trying to take her off oxygen and she didn't do well with that. But today we actually had to UP her oxygen levels. we are going backwards now :( she got another fever but is back down to 100 degrees. There is no good news but she still is happy when she has pain under control and is such a champ. she is so ready to go home though

Mandi Harward Romney my heart feels like it is literally broken. I miss my home, my husband and Ireland. I miss my bed, my shower, my clothes. I won't leave Leighton. I will be here until she goes home. leaving her is not an option. I need a smile or laugh. anyone know any funny jokes?

anyway, I had a melt down today. I wanted to go home. BUT I stopped being such a baby and am learning real quick this is NOT about me. We are here for Leighton and I am sure no one wants to go home more than she does. she is amazing. She is tough and happy and a complete doll through all of this. After this though NO MORE HOSPITALS!! :)

ps I just realized my other updates were actually in the comments. So the final diagnosis: she has bronchiolitis caused by RSV and as of right now (thurs afternoon) we need to stay AGAIN, 3rd night. she is sleeping so that is good. She is super exhausted and super sick of doctors and nurses and tubes and iv's and pokes and tests. Let's go home!!!

my mom and Ireland

my brother Mikey (he drove up from St George to see Leighton) and I

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I don't have the energy or patience to post much (like pictures and my Leighton post) even though I am getting grief for not posting. (soon kel.. soon!)

so this is for sure not the happiest post k?

few things:

Daniel is speaking in sacrament for mother's day and me and the kids will not be there :( Leighton and I have some wonderful stomach bug and would much rather stay home and throw up then get to go hear him talk about me, his mom and his grandma :( :( :(

can you tell my great mood?

update with Ireland: went to the ER. stayed for 7-8 hours (can't remember, but we were not even home until past 2 am..... it was fun :(
Ireland had a cat scan- no sign of a crack in the bone or tumor..... GOOD NEWS! :)
bad news- still no answers.... possible cyst??? The dr that night had no clue why her head keeps swelling and causing pain but he did have a horrible attitude and talked bad about most people he deals with. Anyway he recommends we see a neurologist stat since her lil head keeps swelling still. he put in a call to a nearologist to get in sooner than the 1-2 month wait. so now we only have to wait 2 weeks to get called and can be seen within 3 days of that phone call. Glad we are on the priority list otherwise it could take a couple months!

Leighton goes in for surgery on monday. Not a big deal but want to keep it noted in my "journal" she has had 7 ear infections by age 9 months. She had tonsillitis 3 times in less than 2 months and her body does NOT respond to antibiotics for some reason. the pediatrician gave her 2 shots 2 different times that they normally give kids with meningitis... didn't help either. The 2nd time she went in for tonsillitis (only 20 days after she was last there for that) her throat was so bad it was bleeding :( :( ANYWAY she is getting tubes put in her ears, getting her adenoids taken out and we hope it helps so she doesn't need tonsils out at age 2. We know she is amazing and tough and will bounce back. Our hearts have broken time and time again with her being so ill and not responding to any type or dosage of antibiotics. So we feel this is our best (and possibly only option)

so that's it.... I am needing my beauty rest.... NIGHT!

Monday update: Leighton had her surgery this morning. She did really well (except when they decided to for sure take out the adenoids and inserted the breathing tube bc they had to give her an iv and more anesthesia she had some small problems) otherwise she did fine and is home sleeping and sleeping and sleeping!

Daniel gave his talk sunday and I heard it when he got home and I enjoyed getting to hear it. My ward gave all the moms a big loaf of bread- that was pretty nice.

we all seem to be doing well. Let's just get Lei all healed up! poor thing is all hoarse and snoring bad. When she gets up hopefully she will want to eat then I can give her some pain medicine she got prescribed as well as antibiotics.

Mother's day was awesome. We went out to my mom's house and my aunts and grandparents came (it was also my sister's birthday yesterday HOORAY!) so we had a big bbq/birthday/mother's day party!!

I love watching kids here but today having just me, my husband, and my girls home all day, with no agenda- it is SO NICE!! On weekends it is just us (and my sis of course) but we ALWAYS have plans and are always out and about. This is wonderful to have no plans- at all. Right now Dan and Leighton are passed out and Ireland is "cooking" me dinner in her play kitchen. I am going to go enjoy her now!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

uh oh

On March 27th I took my girls for a walk in the stroller. We get home and I bring the girls in. My sister was in the room so I left to go get the stuff brought in from the stroller. I come back in and Ireland is hysterical. She fell and went face first into the ledge/lip part of her desk seat. Her poor forehead was swelling up fast!! I guess my sister heard it and looked over and saw her and grabbed her. I am glad my sister was right there. so here is what the head looked like about 2 minutes later:

I gave her tylenol, ice and a ring pop. She fell right asleep. her eyes were slightly dilated so I kept waking her to make sure she.. well woke up. Don't mind the blue, messy mouth :)

here it is whatever days later. the bruise spread to her eye.
well we though that was the end of it. You know, all kids bump their heads. Nope, not the end of it. Ireland has been complaining lately that her head hurts. From time to time I see the forehead still swells up and unfortunately didn't even think of it as a big deal (a stupid mistake that may haunt me forever) On thursday of last week she told me her head hurt and she seemed miserable. I kissed her head and she flinched and told me it hurt. I lightly touched the spot and she flinched again and said it hurt. ummm. wasn't it supposed to be better??? So I called the pediatrician for an appt and for financial reasons I had to wait until monday (today) to take her in. So Daniel took her today and the dr. was concerned. he said we needed to take her up to Primary Children's Hospital asap and get an MRI.

SCARY right? So he gave us a few doctors up there he wanted us to try and all of them were booked! They also were getting a new scheduling system and couldn't even MAKE an appt until NEXT week! And THEN the wait to be seen is about 3 weeks!! holy moly!! So my friend Heather suggested the emergency room at Primary's. I was telling my mom the idea and she said to call her pediatrician back for his opinion so we did and he said TAKE HER TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. suck. I can not believe I did not even ONCE consider sooner that it could be a big deal. Broke my heart. my poor baby!!! So we have to wait until tonight because: I watch kids until 5:30. My sister is at school until 5 and has the car. Daniel works until 5 and has a final to take at school at 530. SO..... the minute he gets home from class... off to the hospital we go. :( :( :( wish us luck!!