Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hey! You're TWO!


What a fun and exciting day! Our sweet (most the time :)) little girl had her birthday yesterday, Oct. 3rd. Ireland woke up to a decorated house (which was/is  a HUGE tradition in our family growing up. Birthdays were/are big and you always-no matter your age- got crepe paper and balloons all over) and her friend Pedro was there also when she woke up. She ran out yelling "yay! it's a birt day!"

she got a big sticker package and she decorated, the couch, tv, door and as you can see, her shoes!

My sister Mekell got this cake for Ireland. It was so cute. Ireland is OBSESSED with barney. still. sigh

sick of pictures!

more presents later in the day from Grammie, Grampie, auntie and "auntie megan"

attempting to ride her horse while eating applesauce. dork! :)

Unfortunately the day wasn't ALL good :( Ireland has a double ear infection (yes AGAIN) so from about 2:30 until bed time she was miserable and crabby. So this is how she was after she got in jammies :

We go in on Wed. the 7th to have a quick operation to have tubes put in her ears. We strongly feel it's what needs to be done. poor baby! She is strong and will feel so much better after!

Here is Ireland today spelling her name:

I have lot's and lot's more pics of her birthday I might put up in a bit just for her to enjoy later.  She is incredible. I love this girl so much I can't find all the right words to express it.
I still go in every night and make sure she is ok (and breathing :)) I still think she is my baby even though she is 2. She doesn't act 2 sometimes, she seems older to me. I had two people yesterday tell me they thought she was turning 3 because of how well she talks. She is so smart and so loving but can be so naughty sometimes!

She gets so sincerely concerned about sister, she loves to sing, and dance, and watch movies, and go for walks, she does somersaults all day-ESPECIALLY after mommy just did her hair! She loves Aunt Kiki to put clear mascara on her lashes for "pretty eyes" Ireland LOVES to go potty and loves to wear underwear. She climbs on everything (ugh!) she loves Elephants, she can sign almost everything she can say-we have conversations in just sign language, she can count, knows her abc's, she knows almost every shape, and can draw seekees (circles) and "obals" (ovals)

The funniest thing she says lately, is she will ask for a sucker and the conversation goes like this:
Ireland: I potty I need sucker

mommy: no, you didn't go potty so you do not get a sucker.

I: Oh I need sucker.

m: no, you didn't go potty

I: oh ok, I need sucker

m: no!

I: oh ok I need sucker

then she just keeps changing the emphasis on different words to make it seem like it's a whole new sentence and maybe I will change my mind.

goof ball!

I could go on forever talking about things she likes and says, but I need to go watch conference!
anyway Ireland we sure do love you, although I am sure you are aware as mommy let's you know all. day. long!


A Joyful Chaos said...

Too bad about the ear infection. Hope everything clears up well for her.

Kristina P. said...

Happy birthday to Ireland! She is stil my favorite. :)

Laura Dunaway said...

Happy Birthday Ireland! I can't believe she's two! She is so adorable. We miss her, and the rest of you of course. :) Wish we could've been there to celebrate. We will definitely have to get together when we come for the holidays. We love you guys!

Angie said...

oh my! I just showed Gracie your blog and she seriously said, "Oh that is just so cute!"

Lisa said...

Happy Happy Happiest Birthday to you Ireland - and to Mommy who has to go through all of that!
Mom H and Lisa

Dan Romney said...

Happy happy birthday, and the sucker bit is no where near as funny on here as it is in real life, especially when she is sad and starts saying ok over and over and over again. Precious awesome little big girl.
Love you Mandi and Ireland and Leighton

Leilia and John said...

Awww!! Happy Happy belated Birthday Irie baby!! Looks like fun! Mandi, how in the heck did you get your profile picture to look like that?? I LOVE IT!