Monday, May 3, 2010

uh oh

On March 27th I took my girls for a walk in the stroller. We get home and I bring the girls in. My sister was in the room so I left to go get the stuff brought in from the stroller. I come back in and Ireland is hysterical. She fell and went face first into the ledge/lip part of her desk seat. Her poor forehead was swelling up fast!! I guess my sister heard it and looked over and saw her and grabbed her. I am glad my sister was right there. so here is what the head looked like about 2 minutes later:

I gave her tylenol, ice and a ring pop. She fell right asleep. her eyes were slightly dilated so I kept waking her to make sure she.. well woke up. Don't mind the blue, messy mouth :)

here it is whatever days later. the bruise spread to her eye.
well we though that was the end of it. You know, all kids bump their heads. Nope, not the end of it. Ireland has been complaining lately that her head hurts. From time to time I see the forehead still swells up and unfortunately didn't even think of it as a big deal (a stupid mistake that may haunt me forever) On thursday of last week she told me her head hurt and she seemed miserable. I kissed her head and she flinched and told me it hurt. I lightly touched the spot and she flinched again and said it hurt. ummm. wasn't it supposed to be better??? So I called the pediatrician for an appt and for financial reasons I had to wait until monday (today) to take her in. So Daniel took her today and the dr. was concerned. he said we needed to take her up to Primary Children's Hospital asap and get an MRI.

SCARY right? So he gave us a few doctors up there he wanted us to try and all of them were booked! They also were getting a new scheduling system and couldn't even MAKE an appt until NEXT week! And THEN the wait to be seen is about 3 weeks!! holy moly!! So my friend Heather suggested the emergency room at Primary's. I was telling my mom the idea and she said to call her pediatrician back for his opinion so we did and he said TAKE HER TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM. suck. I can not believe I did not even ONCE consider sooner that it could be a big deal. Broke my heart. my poor baby!!! So we have to wait until tonight because: I watch kids until 5:30. My sister is at school until 5 and has the car. Daniel works until 5 and has a final to take at school at 530. SO..... the minute he gets home from class... off to the hospital we go. :( :( :( wish us luck!!


Kristin said...

Your new layout is adorable!

Logan got one of those bumps on his head once too. Breaks your heart, doesn't it? He was fine after, but I hope hers gets better too! Maybe she just bruised her bone and it will take longer to heal on the inside where you can't see it? I hope that's all it is...

You sure have beautiful girls!!

The Bohman Family said...

That is way scary. poor Ireland. I hope everything is ok and she starts feeling better!

Kristina P. said...

Eeeek!! That looks so painful! Popor girl.