Monday, July 26, 2010

Can I be honest here?

So... I have a confession. Maybe this is too personal?? but I am having a super, hard, depressing week(s) and I can't seem to get happy. Like really happy. I need to vent so I can feel better.
After my last blog I wondered if I ever sound like I am bragging when I talk about my kids. that isn't my intention. honest. I love my kids more than I could ever describe and every.single.thing they do makes me so excited I have to tell everyone. I think they are so funny and assume everyone wants to hear every precious thing they say or do because it makes ME so happy you know? So I just want to shout about their accomplishments. Maybe I shouldn't care because it's my blog and or facebook and I want to preserve the memories. But I don't want everyone to hate me either you know?? I don't want everyone to be like shut up already!! (too late??)

I WANT to be happy. Not sad. Not mopey and tired all the time. When I watch kids I always try to be "ON" and happy and silly and fun. But I am not. not in real life. Lately I yell at my own children. I have zero patience, I cry every day. what the heck?

This is not a pity party. I just want everyone to know I am not ALWAYS happy. My life is not perfect, my kids are not 100% happy all the time, we are normal. maybe even crazy. I worry too much about what people think so I never post the bad. I never post the sad days. I only write the happy, fun things. But my life isn't always fun. I struggle with things like everyone else.

What was the point of this post?? I already forgot. well that's because I am human.

Really though... happy thoughts coming up!! I need to really really get up pictures of Leighton's birthday and her party. K for sure I will do it as soon as I can figure out how.....


Kait said...

Oh Mandi, I think we all have days (weeks) where we are grumpy and sad, you will pull through. Also don't worry about talking about your girls too much, they are so cute and this is YOUR blog so if people don't like they don't have to read it. I for one like to read about the good times I don't think I would read blogs if all they did was complain about there life and kids!

Abigail said...

Welcome to my world. After a few (6) months feeling that way, I'm on medication now.

And you totally have every right to brag about your amazing girls! I've never thought of it that way though.

Kristin said...

It's nice to know other people feel the same way sometimes, even though I feel for you that you do. I can honestly say I can relate and I'm truly sorry you feel the way you feel sometimes.
However, as far as bragging about your kids and worrying; proves you're a good mom. :)