Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Leighton turns one!

I did her party post before this one because her birthday was about a week after the party.
ok so I am getting to this post two months late because I finally snagged some pics from my husband and mother. I don't need to warn you that this is long. It's me, so thats already a given...

If you want to read about Leighton's scary and intense delivery you can read that here

If not or you already did, here is her birthday from 2 months ago:

June 24, 2010 Leighton Hallie turned one!!!

It worked out that I didn't watch any kids that day! So I had my girls all to myself. yes! My sister and I took my two girls and two of their friends to the park that has all the water. They had fun, got wet and Leighton was walking around pretty good! Even in the water!

Then later we went to the "duck park" (its not even a park.. what IS that place really called??) and fed the ducks, geese, swans, pigeons, seagulls, and whatever else was there.

we had a party at home with just my parents and Daniel's parents. It was a fun, busy day. here a bunch of pics from Lei's fun day

How is it in just one year my little girl went from this:

to this:

this is my mom with my girls

I left them out of the order of the day on purpose. It's kind of fun to just go back and forth of all we did on her day

I LOOOOVE, love love this little girl. She makes my day better just by looking at her. With her permanent smile, her goofy personality, her little faces she makes, how she wakes up every single day with a huge smile and squeal when she sees you, how she still kicks her legs every time I pull her out of her crib, how every time she wants a bath she roams the house signing and saying bath to anyone who will listen, how she knows more words than I think she should know at this age, how she knows over 20 signs and uses them on a daily basis, how she has an obsession with shoes and hands them to me and waits as I put them on, I love how she knows sometimes when she needs to be changed, she says bum bum and will sit or lay in front of the place I change her, I love how she is so quick to remind everyone of their manners, if I give Lei something, before she takes it out of my hand she does the sign and says thank you BUT if you give something to someone else, she looks right at them and keeps saying thank you until they do! I love how she asks all day long to go outside and never stops smiling when we do go out and how she cries when we come in because she loves to be out walking, exploring and getting some sun, I love how when we went camping this weekend how she was a trooper when the poor thing face planted THREE times, was swollen above her cut lip and had a mouth full of dirt, she just keeps going. Nothing holds this girls back. She loves scripture time each night and actually gets excited and sits in my lap, she folds her little arms at prayers, she still wants me to hold and cuddle with her through out the day. She is an amazing sleeper and every day when she is tired, she does the sign for night night and sometimes just walks back in her room and stands by her bed. I put her in and she just smiles at you and falls asleep. She still takes two naps a day and sleeps about 12 hours a night. She has been running for a while and loves her daddy to chase her through the house. That cute little thing can go fast!! She has good leg strength. She dances and bounces when any song comes on. She will kiss you all day long and thinks her sister is the coolest cat around.

Awww yes I could go on. Leighton is a very special spirit in our home. She is a very kind hearted little soul. We sure love you patty cake!!

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