Thursday, August 5, 2010

Leighton's birthday party

oh just over a month over due. oops. I stole some of Daniel's pictures. There were almost 200 so I just snagged a few (literally only a few. Not a hundred like normal. weird right?) I have to hurry so I can go back to being a mommy. I already see a pile of cereal spread across the floor.........

Leighton had her party a week before her actual birthday in June. We had it at a fun pool by my house (well there are actually 4 pools there... it was so fun!!!)

isn't her swim suit just darling?!?! I was in love

whoa she has thinned out a ton even since this. see what I get for waiting so long to post?

opening gifts

waiting for cupcakes

busted!! I kept asking her to stop climbing on it

outside of the pavilion we rented there was this sign for the party. yes, I needed a picture of it :)

taking a break from swimming... time to eat

gotta have a pic of the cupcakes. Gladys- you did a FABULOUS job! Everyone was super impressed!! thanks for making me so many (how many was it again? I think 60.) what a rockstar!!

darling huh??

I need to add more pics. these weren't the best sorry

1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

I love her little swimsuit! So cute!