Wednesday, August 3, 2011

surgery sucks. kind of

In the middle of July... it was time to leave my home and husband to make the trek back to Salt Lake. My Father in Law came here and picked up me and my 3 little ladies. Daniel of course couldn't take time off of work. :( We stayed at my in laws for a few days (in the basement. aka my old house) Then Thursday the 14th my two oldest went to my Aunt's and my baby went with my Grandma- broke my heart. I HATED leaving my new baby for that many hours :( My mom picked me up and we headed to the hospital for my surgery. While we waited I was part anxious to get it the freak over with and part freaking out- terrified. Then the staff got very, very behind so I waited and waited. Then I went back, had a freak out moment then...... woke up. I was done. I was HURTING. Bad. This is what I had done: never mind I can't find the paper at the moment that says what it was. Basically he fixed my deviated septum. Shaved down something in my nose, sewed it all up and also used a laser to smooth down some nodules (scar tissue I think) on my vocal chords. He doesn't pack the nose like some doctors do. He rolls up gauze and puts it under your nose and tapes it to your cheeks so I just change the gauze out all day. I was on voice rest for 3-5 days. Me, and my girls stayed at my mom's for a few days so I could rest and recover and when you have 3 kids ages 3.5 and under, it is near IMPOSSIBLE to rest your voice. Especially when I was camped out on the couch in the living room where everyone usually was. Its natural to talk. If your kids are fighting or crying or asking questions and no one else is in the room, sign language only gets you so far. I can only clap, snap and wave to get their attention. Ugh, it was useless. So here is where it gets bad. The very next night after my surgery I can finally nurse my baby and I am holding her burping her over my shoulder. Since she is a new baby she has a wobbly head/neck. Well this darling baby slams her darling head right into my nose!! It was unbearable. I darn near threw that baby (not out of anger, just pure shock, pain and instinct I guess) I not so gently plopped her in her car seat that was right there and I couldn't breathe. My mom said I just screamed a blood curdling scream and was just shaking and shaking and sobbing. My nose had almost completely quit bleeding right before this. Now right after I got head butted it was gushing. The pain was pretty mellow before then. After, oh man, that was rough. So I healed as best as I could. My mom had to go back to work after a few days so I had to go back to my In laws and sort of fend for myself. My father in law is insanely busy with his work and my mother in law was in Europe for 3 weeks so it was just me and my babies. I had a follow up appt for my post op and my nose looked good! No damage from the head butt!! My septum was still straight. I was surprised but so grateful. Well we get to my old house and my girls went to my friend's house for a sleep over so I could rest and also attend an important meeting. Well that night I got the stomach flu. yay! NOT. SO glad my two oldest girls were gone. I was a mess. My poor baby was not getting held or attention and every time I tried to nurse her I had to run off to get sick. It was so so sad. Since I couldn't keep anything down, I also couldn't take pain medicine so I was sick and still in pain. :( The next morning I downed some Pepto that my darling Grandma went and bought me. Started to feel well and went to pick up my girls. Still couldn't take pain meds though as I needed to drive. Oh! I forgot another part. While packing up to leave my mom's, I was moving this play mat thing the baby was using and a piece came apart (it snapped I think) and it had a spring back piece (sorry not sure how to describe it) anyway the point is: it swung up and slammed me in my nose and teeth!! ouch! what the freak was happening?? Hit twice in the nose?! ugh. just shoot me. Here comes the blood again. The pain. the annoyance. I never get hit in the nose and twice in a few days after a nose surgery?? anyhoo... So I was starting to get very sick again and it was time to go home. I just laid on the floor and my poor father in law Clive had to go get my girls from downstairs, change their bums, feed them, pick up and pack up all my stuff and take care of my girls and I just lay on his floor and cried. I couldn't move it was a disaster, and he was so kind and did everything for me. We had to go buy formula because I couldn't even nurse the baby. My body ached so bad and I couldn't keep any meds down (pain or pepto) then my sweet father in law drove us all the way back home and I got to finally see Daniel and continue with my recovery. I can, for the first time in YEARS, breathe out my nose!! yay! I sleep better, my headaches that I have had almost all my life are almost completely gone, I can eat with my mouth closed, and as my husband excitedly stated on facebook: he can kiss me for more than a couple seconds at a time! ha ha. So the nose part of the surgery was a complete success!!! The throat part: fail. MAYBE if I had been able to rest my voice as I was instructed to, there was a chance it could have worked. Nope. I am back to being hoarse and I get exhausted talking very easy. Just like I have for the last 2+ years. Oh well. People still think I am sick because of my scratchy voice. I am not. Who cares?? not me. Not when I can BREATHE!!!

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