Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I have some questions. Humor me and tell me what you think... anyone??

ok So I have a thing that shows me if anyone makes any of the pictures on my blog big (not who sees it just what picture it was) well somehow and for some reason, someone in another country (I am assuming because I can't read the language) took some of my pictures and put it on their blog/site. They were ones of Leighton from our family photo shoot last summer. I couldn't read it but in the url it said in English "beautiful blue eye child"

my question: do I be completely freaked out or flattered?? My blog WAS private-twice- but I had family members who couldn't log on, couldn't see it, I had friends who couldn't access me blog. It became a huge mess. No one's blogs showed when I updated so everyone thought I stopped blogging.

my question: do I still keep it public and let people love on my daughter's blue eyes?? While taking my pictures?
Does it even matter? Its not like I post my address, city, what days of the week we are home, and pics of my kids naked. so should I worry or no?

moving on...
I am 31 weeks pregnant and I am just NOW getting over morning sickness. Just now having energy. Just now caring to start packing up my house, just now wanting to be semi social. I have 12 messages in my facebook inbox that I have yet to respond to. I feel like a jerk but I have either forgotten or been scared to talk to anyone. Besides comments through fb and occasional texts to friends I have avoided all contact with people for fear they may see how crazy, boring or sick I have become this last 30 or so weeks. But 98% of it is I just forget. honestly.

my question- do I apologize and respond, do I even worry about it? Do I stop using fb? ha ha just kidding

My dear sweet grandma saw me the other day. She made a comment that I don't look very big. Not sure if that was a compliment or insult. With my last 2 pregnancies I was always pretty small (in the belly anyway) and my gma as well as others always made comments on how I was too little, too small, not gaining enough weight, I need to eat more, etc.
Are you kidding me?! for one I was sick for 32 weeks with Ireland. That sorta means I won't get big. Yet I still managed to gain 23 pounds total. That's good I think. I ate so much with both pregnancies. Like obscene amounts of food. I tried to get bigger. With Lei I was only sick 14 weeks but only gained 18 lbs. So what I am saying is these comments I get put me in panic mode that I WAS too little, my babies were starving, that my kids were not getting enough. Then I would spend the end of my pregnancies paranoid, stressed and pigging out like 8 times a day. My ob always told me I was just fine. told me not to worry. Told me the girls were 100% fine.
my question: why do comments from family and friends effect me like that? My ob says one thing but all I think about is the comments that I "should be bigger by now" it is frustrating. So of course my grandma's comment made me panic. She may have not meant anything by it (this time) but I still worry. All my books say I should have gained about 20 lbs by now. I have gained 11. my ob told me that was awesome.

question: how do you not let dumb, petty, pointless things like that get to you?

I am very tired. This post was sorta pointless but I needed to get it out.

I feel better already :)


Kristina P. said...

You can somehow make it so that when someone right clicks to try to take a picture, they can't. It's disabled.

People suck.

Kami Satterlee said...

I would be worried about someone taking my daughters picture, only because it will forever be online. They will forever keep that picture. They would use it for weird kid porn sites...I"m a weirdo that's how I think. That person probably didn't do that from the sounds of it, but if they took her picture...who else is? Your girls are so beautiful.
As far as weight gain. your grandma was probably just stating the facts. 11 pounds at 31 weeks is tiny. Not unhealthy necessarily, but still little. I've gained 5 lbs and I'm 9 weeks haha. I would love to be little so take it as a compliment;)
Facebook. I have the same problem> I am terrible with getting back to people. Mostly because I hate that I have to. Because of technology we are constantly trying to keep up and I hate that people get ahold of me when they want. I say do it when you feel like. Apoligize later. Hang in there mama!

Mandi said...

I agree for sure.

The only thing I want to add about my grandma is: in the past when she (or others) made comments about my size it was followed by: you need to eat more, your baby is too small, you can't be healthy enough, etc. It was comments made me feel like I was not trying to grow or help baby. So now when I hear just the too small comment I instantly know where future conversations are going. Or not, that would be nice. I would hope this time its just stating the size and leaving it alone. I always would say when my ob worries, then I will worry. I guess I'm just EXTRA sensitive. Ha ha stupid hormones