Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hawaii 2011

I am finally getting around to posting on this! If we are friends on facebook, you may have seen some of these.

First of all Kauai was AMAZING!! This trip was everything we wanted and more! Ireland cried when we had to come home. It was sad but we knew she had a good time. Leighton says: "Hawaii, water, roosters, and beach" still so I know she still sorta remembers. I have had several people ask about the hotel, prices, traveling with kids- especially flying, the activities we did, etc. I will get to that soon and lots more pictures but for now just pictures.

Here is the view from our hotel room balcony. It was raining though

At one of the beaches. Getting water and sea shells for her castle

me a little bit pregnant at the pool :)

ha ha. Dan always took pictures of me and I never knew until later. Man, I sure was enjoying the lighthouse and view I guess :)

one of the waterfalls we saw

view near the lighthouse

we found a park

Leighton showing how to really play!

loves at the pool. I love how Ireland is waiting for one too!

oh sorry, out of order. Our one and only family shot. Thanks random dude for offering!!

sea shell hunt

two days in a row at this specific beach, a sea turtle came to the shore and let everyone take pics and snorkel around him. Daniel captured this incredible shot of him coming up for air. He was huge! He came swimming right up to my shins!

goodness this girl loved that sand!!

fish pond at our hotel by the pools

one of 4 pools at the hotel. This one is the kid one

Ireland being cute. Her poor hair didn't stand a chance with the rain and humidity! I never even tried to do it. I never sprayed or combed it. The weather took care of business :)
anyway... that's a few for now. Seriously, seriously, best vacation ever!!!

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