Thursday, February 11, 2010

Goo Bear

Oh my goodness, this has taken me FOREVER to put together. I love my Ireland so much that I wanted this to be perfect for her. I didn't want to leave anything out. I went through HUNDREDS of pictures trying to decide what to use (and most look better when clicked on I think.) I have so many fun videos and decided on one of the most recent.

Ireland MaKenna, this is something mommy made for you. To look back on and realize how special you are. Realize how LOVED you are. Sometimes I talk about how you are naughty or a stinker, but you really aren't. You have such a tender heart, and amazing personality. You are so friendly and so stinkin funny. You are a ham and love attention and we love watching you grow.

I have chosen some pictures that show your personality and beautiful spirit. I have also added a bunch of cute or funny things you have said. Every single time you say something I like I run and write it down so I wouldn't forget.

Sit back and enjoy (this will take a while!)

You always say "no way jose" and I'm just kidding"

Our very favorite thing you say: "Oh my gosh, are you kidding me?!" ha ha that one is so cute to hear

Your first birthday. What a princess

Your 2nd birthday. Still a princess :)

Once mommy and auntie were doing pilates and you were doing it too. In the middle of it you started cracking up and said "I so great" then we were doing "hundreds" and you- trying to catch your breathe- said "it's too hard!"

This is one of Ireland's MANY faces that she draws. I have no idea how she learned to draw faces like this. She does frowny ones too. This beauty was drawn on the wall in the hall. I took a picture then made her clean it :)

"Mommy I watch barney?"
me just joking around "no way"
"say yes. No no way, say yes mommy, say yes"

Discovering ice cream. After having an allergy your whole life you haven't really got to try it. Luckily you outgrew the allergy (for the most part)

Ireland you ALWAYS, always have something on your head! A hat, a shirt, a swim suit top, it does not matter you will wear it. this is a pair of your shorts

You love your friends

"mommy, leighton happy?"
"yes sweety we are all happy, is that ok? can we all be happy?"
"uuuuhhhhmmmm....... sure that be great!"

Such a little beauty!!

You tell us constantly to "stay there, I be right back"

You got a book for Christmas. so as we are showing it to her she signs "book"

You spot letters and shapes in all your food. you have found a car, a castle, a tree and the letter L

You always say "that's a great idea"

Whenever you lift something you pretend it is so heavy and you say " I be strong!"

We were blowing bubbles and I was getting dizzy I asked if you could help me blow. You said "No I busy" and you then put your head down on the table

Or another reason for you not to help: "no thanks I watching Ariel"

This is one of many videos of you dancing. We have a new dance game for the wii and you do so well!! this one is one of your favorite songs on here. It's "who let the dogs out" I think you like it because the guy is in a dog costume. You are such a great dancer!! We REALLY need to get you in dance class. you are great at imitating and following direction (sorry the filming is horrible!! I was sorta dancing with it!)

I love how you have extremely good manners. You always say thank you, yes please, no thanks and sometimes you say thank you very much. What a little lady!

You love to kiss things. Even cookies!

You will make a great mommy!! One day I saw you wandering with your stroller patting it. I saw you walk by and wanted to see your baby. Well your "baby" was actually a battery! lol silly girl

You are potty trained but sometimes accidents happen. Once I asked if you were poopy and you responded with " no I happy"

then even today I asked "uh oh did you poopy in your panties?" you said "yes. say I love you goo bear" (which is what I call you- Goo bear)

We spent all summer at the pool. We went once a week almost all summer long

You love your daddy so much and have been over heard telling him to be careful you don't want him to fall

"more more ice cream?"
"no honey all done"
" I ask daddy!"

Once mommy was sick and laying on the floor. You bent down asked if I was ok, when I said no I was sick you kissed my head then walked away

You HATE to be messy. The littlest thing on your finger, toe, arm, clothes and you get super upset. here is a cute picture of you looking in disgust at frosting on your hands after decorating cupcakes

Whenever someone is mad or sad you keep telling them to be happy. You always say "don't worry be be happy"

We were watching Word World and as usual the letters of a word they were making was in pieces on the ground. I was half joking and said "oh no!" You said "don't worry mom, they have all a letters.... they make a word. Don't worry they can do it"

You know all your letters and point out words you already know. You are learning numbers and know a few now when we point them out to you. You know all the sign language that mommy and daddy know. You are so kind and such a piece maker and do not like it when anyone is upset. you love music and knows all the primary songs and songs they sing in nursery. You love to draw and color and to play with blocks and to watch Barney and Little mermaid.

Mommy and Daddy and sister love you with all our hearts!

1 comment:

Dan Romney said...

This is the best thing ever. I love you Ireland!