Wednesday, September 22, 2010

First dance class!

This day couldn't come soon enough!! Our baby girl started dance today!!

I found a great place and they said starting age was 3, but I wanted to see if they would let her squeeze by as her birthday was like 2 weeks away. They said as long as she was potty trained. sweet!

I made the mistake of telling her about dance LAST week. She has been so excited and every morning thought it was dance day. oops. sorry baby girl!

She sure kept right up!! The parents can watch through a one way window. Ireland caught on so quick and did so well. ( I wasn't surprised... this girl is a NATURAL!) She lives to dance, perform and move!! She did it and had no issues going in, staying or doing what she was told. That's my girl. *proud mama can you tell??*

I love that she can wear anything she wants. All she has to do is have black tap and black ballet shoes.

Here are the fun pics of the first day!

waiting patiently

making friends

They finish each class dancing with their dolls! So cute!



Kristina P. said...

Oh my gosh! I am laughing because she is so darn cute! haha, love the legwarmers.

The Bohman Family said...

Oh how cute are those leg warmers!!! I love them. She looks so cute. Ava loves her dance class and it is really fun to watch them preform!