Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The rest of June

Here are some more pics to finish off June. Even though I am about to post 25 pictures (that's not too many right? ha ha ha) I feel it is all crammed and I am missing stuff. I really hope to never get this behind again!

Here is a fun craft we did

peanut butter on pine cones

then roll it in some bird seed

and voila! The birds loved them! We had three of these total hanging in our tree

this was Leighton's birthday. She got this plastic pool and we had her sit in it and open her gifts. Here she is sitting amongst her loot

as I have mentioned several times before.. we always decorate for Birthdays. This one we went all out! First Birthday... heck yeah! we had balloons even stuck on the ceiling!

daddy showing the birthday girl all the animals

such a daddy's girl! She just adores him

yes we had an empty pool in our kitchen for the kids to play in for like a week! they climbed in it to sign a birthday card

ugh this is so funny and so gross! uh.. Leighton, how much banana is in there?!

well at least that much. she swallowed most of it. ha ha ha

these girls are full of smooches!

please don't take my spray bottle! my girls love to drink out of these.

this is Ireland's octopus

we went to Snow Bird Resort for Daniel's work party (yes he works from home but he does contract work for one company so "technically" he is an employee.) lucky us! :)

at first Lei went in the bounce house and Ireland wouldn't but then big kids came and the baby had to get out. :( so sadly we had to just watch

yay Ireland finally got in!

we took this tram up the mountain. OH MY HECK!! So scary. I was freaking out. We went up as a group and I couldn't be like " I am sorry I can't participate because I am a baby and TERRIFIED of heights." So I went up and tried not to look out the window

Dan went to take pictures. I kept the kids where it was safe :) See the bars Ireland was touching? not hot. see the metal diamond plate ground? VERY HOT I didn't realize what happened at first. Lei was walking back and forth and fell forward. She started crying but I kept saying "it's ok, just get up." she was waaay down at far end. When she wouldn't get up she started screaming so bad. I ran down to her and someone said they think the ground was hot. I barely touched it and it scalded me. :( My poor baby was so miserable. We still had to wait for the entire group to come back and wait for the tram and take it all the way back.

we got back to our room and gave Lei a can of pop to hold. I FINALLY found a first aid station and a wonderful man helped us

she got all bandaged up and had a numbing burn spray applied and was happy as could be

Should have ended on a happier note huh? :) well more pics coming soon


Kristina P. said...

Hey, I made one of those birdseed feeders when I was a kid!

Abigail said...

I enjoyed all those photos and the stories to go with them! Hope Leightons hand is better!