Friday, September 10, 2010

Well the bad news is or should I say WAS is that I took a few thousand pictures this summer (nope not kidding) and had no computer to save them to or a way to get them on my blog

My amazing husband fixed my computer and I am back in business!! so now it is overwhelming picture blog post time!!!

Oh ps apparently the video of Ireland singing doesn't work :( :( weird it plays fine for me. huh. lame. So Dan is finding me a working link!

in the mean time let's work on just a tiny part of summer. Let's start with Middle of May to middle of June. No this isn't all the pics from that time... just a few. ha ha ha warning: TONS O' PICS!!! feel free to click and possibly double click any pic you want to see bigger

sorry if I have already used some of these. They all blend together after a bit. Also I am not going to put them in the correct order because I am lazy :) You can figure out same day stuff by outfits right??

Don't even get me started on hot dogs. That's all this girl will eat!! EWWW. ha ha oh well at least she WILL eat something!!

Leighton is such a curious little baby. Loves to explore every inch of the house. This is her just playing with her magnets but she has a look like "it wasn't me!"

Her friend brought over a costume to play with. look how strong she is!

if you ever can't find Lei... look where there are books! She will always find books and spread them around then pick a fave and get reading. And that's either before or after bringing you a few, hopping in your lap and wanting you to read to her. awwww

a daily thing... pulling out dvds

this was so funny. She sure was concentrating! putting all her cereal in the diaper drawer.

later that day she decided just to... well have fun of course!

pat it and roll it....

she got her hair straightened one day (uh I think I have done this pic already.....)

preschool in panties. The joys of having her mama be her preschool teacher! she doesn't even have to get dressed!

they were playing some game where they hit their heads on the floor and cracking up... uh..

super cute!! And yes I do dress them in matching clothes, quite often actually.

ahhhh these are the best two pics you may ever see!!! I wanted to catch Leighton's natural reaction to when her daddy came home!!! I actually think he was just out starting the bbq lol

the first one is me saying here comes daddy and he wiggles the door knob

and enter daddy.....

so cute huh??

here is something we had TONS of this summer!!!

my cute monkey says "mom, mom! look, I a sloth!"

having fun in her car

enjoying having her sissy out of the hospital!

and straight out of the pool in our yard!

many many many more pics to come!! and the link to the video... soon

question: ... how many exclamation points did I use in this post?? I won't apologize for being happy!!! :) :) :)


Kristina P. said...

When did you unprivate your blog?!? Yay!! Now I will remember to check it more often.

Your girls are gorgeous. And I really appreciate that you are implementing Go Topless days around your house.

The Bohman Family said...

Very cute pics... I love how you match them!! I so wanted to do that if blake was a girl but that kind of doesn't work with a girl and boy lol. love the picutes.