Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How Awesome Am I?

Ha Ha Ha. Dude, I am so awesome, words can not even describe my awesomeness! So, I have what most call "pregnancy brain" or as some have said "placenta brain".  now don't think it's just the pregnancy that makes me spacey or forgetful. I have been called many times an airhead by my sweet big brother. It's true. :)  I am worried because all my pregnancy books say the forgetfulness and clumsiness is only going to get worse. YIKES!!! look out! 

ANYWAY, Daniel, Ireland and myself went to my dad's tonight for a quick visit and my step-mum is all about trying to feed us everything they have in the house, drinks included. I come out of the bathroom and she had a plate with 3 styrofoam cups filled with some orange drink sitting on the couch. Yes 3 cups just for me and Dan. Anyway, I pick up one drink, taste it, turn around and PLOP right on the.... couch? did you think I was going to say couch? NOPE. I landed on the plate with the styrofoam cups of orange drink. The entire section of couch was soaked, my pants and shirt was soaked. lol WOW! How awesome am I?! I literally just saw those drinks, grabbed one then decided to sit on them. ha ha ha ha 


Dan Romney said...

True story, I swear, I was there. Unfortunately I don't have photographic evidence, but I guess you are going to have to just believe me.

Kristina P. said...

Very, very awesome.

I do love that Daniel comments on your posts.