Wednesday, June 17, 2009

yep yep yep

So yes, I am still alive. Thank you for the comments, emails, phone calls and texts. I am so sorry I have not really been taking calls or talking much. I have been kinda in a funk so please take no offense. I am just miserable and moody and just keep to myself lately. 

Yes, I am still waiting for princess to come. I have 12 days left!!! Although I HOPE and pray it is sooner. She is on a nerve that sends bad pain (sciatica) down BOTH legs at once (although its just the left leg today) and my feet get tingly and it hurts to walk, or lay or sit or....   anyway also shooting pain in my groin. My poor family... I am sorry for my poor me attitude. pity party: party of one!  

anyway, saw dr. smith today and here is the scoop:
she is still head down and is lower so that is good I guess. My bag of waters is ready to rock, so he said it could be any day. I am at a one plus and 80% effaced but he said when my water breaks I will probably go fast. I have gained 18 pounds so far and he said that is good and just to be ready for her to come soon.

I am hoping Leighton either comes today or tomorrow or waits until Monday because Daniel's parents are out of town then as are my parents, including my sister (who is Ireland's babysitter while we are at the hospital) and my dad had a funeral and viewings and a ton of family in town this weekend..... so princess needs to not come this weekend. IF she does, luckily my friend Heather will take in Ireland. We just won't have most our family to visit. lol. 

Anyway, my sister is giving me grief because I am 6 weeks late on posts and I HAVE started ONE and the rest will be along one day. I swear we do things, it's not just me posting about how grumpy I am all the time. oh. wait. yes it is. sorry! 

New post coming: one day


Angie said...

I'm just as far behind on posts and I'm not even pregnant!

Elise said...

Now I know why you haven't answered my phone calls and called me back.

I am in Utah and I am so excited to see you. I can't wait to see you.

The Peterson's said...

Hi dear!! So if you want two tutus, let me know, the newborn one is 10.00 and not 20.00

Only a few more days!! I forgot what did you choose for her name?

Abigail said...

You so have every right to be grumpy!!! I had the sciatica problem when pregnant with Maddie it was horrible. I hope Leighton comes a few days early and all goes smoothly!

Kristina P. said...

I've been thinking of you! It's getting close!