Monday, June 22, 2009

Let me assure you.....

That this post is very long. There are WAY too many pictures (well to some people. we could've done a lot more. I promise) I also will let you know my parenting style may be questioned, and it MAY look like my kid is a raggamuffin, and it may look like all she did was eat. I will also let you know, you are correct.
Here is our vacation pics..... from forever ago.  (about 6 weeks ago) none are in order, there are a ton, and of course I must comment on all of them :)
Dun dun dun... California and nevada
This is a neat island out in lake tahoe
There is this killer hole-in-the-wall place called the snoflake something or other and it is SO FREAKING GOOD! yum! 
Let's see if my kid was fed this trip or not:
Ok, I only put a couple eating pics, but hey, at least she has good hygiene 
Here are twins T.J and J.J. they are so sweet and yummy and adorable
 megan and Mekell pretending to sleep
It was so stinkin hot, we stripped boogs down and let her cool herself with a spray bottle
We went to Virginia city, which is a very fun little town. My sister paid for me to "pan for gold". yes I got some and yes, I am now rich. 
That's weird that you think my kid is in jammies the whole last day because I didn't pack enough clothes and the rest were nasty from camping
holy scary. I hate this pic. but I thought others could benefit from its beauty
Ireland looks like a little boy. but she still is so cute!
 touching a lizard. 
Ahhhh the luxuries of camping and vacations. I think it is silly when people complain about camping and getting dirty. I LOVE it and and it's better than sitting home, and you can always go home and shower in the end. Now.... I guess the only reason you MAY complain about camping is if you were in my sister's shoes. We told her "don't bring a tent, we have one you and megan can share"    hers is on the right. She thought it was a little small. I say she was being spoiled. Clearly Daniel and Ireland and I needed the big tent and she didn't.  We honestly DID bring that  little tent for them then saw how small it was and we used that tiny one for our food. 
This is AJ. Ireland was crazy about him! he took her for a walk and she didn't want to stop. he looks all big and tough... but we discovered is such a sweet man.
Ireland's first time on a boat. She LOOOOVED it. In this pic she looks sad, but she was pretty sleepy. She had to be up front most the time and would squeal and smile and laugh. It was awesome
Aunti and boogs
other auntie and boogs
mommy and boogs. except mommy was running out of lap!!
family shot.... kinda. dan looks super hot in this shot I think :)
more of the twins
here are some more random shots of the trip:
oh...this... uh...ha ha. Don't mind the way Ireland looks. messy hair, her jammies (as we discussed earlier is because I didn't pack enough clothes) boy shoes with no socks that gave her blisters so we put band aids on that fell off. sad... poor girl.
you can't tell though. She is so happy, and just (as she usually does) busted out in dance in the middle of the board walk. She will dance anywhere and for anyone. she is kinda, sorta a show off!! The end!


Kristina P. said...

I have always thought that camping with kids would be hard, but it looks like you had a great time!

Elise said...

That looks like you had a fun vacation. Ireland looked like she had fun.