Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just because

I am so very very behind on pictures. I take so many and never have any idea which ones to post or why; so I will over time randomly add some. ** I KNOW I am no where near being a photographer, nor do I plan to be or try. PLEASE bear with some possibly awful, blurry, sucky shots. Most were taken on my cell phone or with my camera that most the time I forget to even focus or even look through the camera at what I am shooting. ha ha ha... oh well...


random long lost (or maybe new) pics.... Just because:

This is Ireland's giant spoon she just had to use with her cereal. I didn't care what she used. I was just happy she would eat!

bubbles. Of course she wasn't wearing pants. She tries to be nekkie ALL bloody day. Can't keep pants on her for the life of me.

This is all but one of the kids I watch and have in my home(including my own) at times. It's not often I have this many at once... it sure is fun though!

puzzle my sis and I just finished. Beautiful right?? It's MUCH more beautiful in person though!! (meaning the actual Louvre not the puzzle!)

She almost is believable that she is soooo innocent huh? goodness I love her though!!

one of the many times she helped me with the corn

this was when Leighton was first born I think

Random falling asleep shots:

Ireland LOVES her toes to be painted!

Have I already posted this one? I doubt it, she draws like this every day. She is getting so good and precise. She has -since this- taught herself to draw eyebrows, hair and noses. Quite the little artist she is becoming!!
eh it's late... more pics coming... eventually! Oh and many more of the baby as I noticed there wasn't much of her in here... oops.... night!


Kristina P. said...

They just keep getting cuter!

And I love the new header. Adorable.

Abigail said...

love ireland's smiley face picture!