Tuesday, June 15, 2010

so I skipped yesterday....

In my defense I didn't skip blogging yesterday I was just too busy then I forgot :) who wants to blog at midnight? That is when I would have been able to.

Here is the post I was going to do. I need to get better pics and I have a bunch on my camera. My camera is brand new (to me, it was Daniel's but he got a new, required one for a photography class) and I have NO idea how to get pics onto my computer.


a little baby named Ireland was born. She had tons of blonde hair. All that hair fell out and took it's time growing back. It was weird looking and bald on the sides and around the back at the bottom. It was completely straight and eventually got curly in the back. Ireland's mommy HATED her hair because it was insanely pin straight on the top, curly in the back and had to put it in a headband to keep it off her face. Then as she grew her mommy disliked Ireland's poor hair more and more and more. It was crazy curly in the back and the top was so straight it was longer and hung over the curls. Her mommy had to pull it up every. single. day. No headbands, no cute styles. Just a pony tail with a ridiculously huge part because she had to pull up all that straight hair. One day Ireland's auntie Mekell was in Hair School and asked Ireland to come get a trim. Ireland got her straight hair chopped off and it instantly curled right up. YES!!!! It was DARLING!! That's all we needed to do?? As long as we keep the huge top section trimmed Ireland has this thick, gorgeous head of curls that mommy is so so so so so in love with!!

sorry for the blurry camera phone pictures but besides the top one, these are all wake up in the morning after going to bed with wet hair from a bath:

So after 2 years of life Ireland's mommy not only likes her hair (finally) she LOVES IT! Ireland can get out of the bath, literally shake her head around and it air- dries and it looks amazing. I never ever use product.

The other day Ireland's auntie used a flat iron to straighten Ireland's hair. She looked beautiful with her cute, straight hair. Mommy cried a little. She thinks Ireland looks too big. The curls make her look younger and mommy likes that! :) I will update later with a back view. Here is the front:
Isn't she just darling!!

And that is the story of our princess and her hair

1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

She looks so grown up!