Monday, June 7, 2010

Why not?

So I always want to blog. I always have pictures, ideas, stories and also as I have said numerous times, this is my journal but also the only way most family and distant friends can keep up with us and see the things we do and how the girls are. I suck at blogging. I do it less and less and then try to cram everything I want to say into one and I forget all the things I had planned.


I am going to *try* to blog every day. Whether it be a full out story, pictures, news... whatever. That is my goal. Please don't expect anything exciting. I may ramble a lot ( Oh wait I do that already!) ha ha and I may vent a lot. Whatever though right?? I hope to keep this up and just be able to look back and see what we did all day! ha ha

Here we go!

Oh there is a cute video of Leighton laughing I wanted to post but can't find it on youtube. In my vent post I forgot to say some more things about Lei: she ALWAYS covers her mouth when she coughs (real or fake cough)! she can take up to 5 steps with no help, otherwise she cruises around the house holding one of our fingers, some of the things she says: momma, mom, dadda, dad, thank you, Amen, dog, she can say and sign: all done, thank you, eat, more. She loves to blow spit bubbles, she says no, no and shakes her head and finger at you, LOVES the bath, she points to everything and asks a dat? If she hears any music she is dancing and singing, she loves to climb on everyone and is a total momma's girl, she can sign night night and says it too when ever she is tired, she sleeps really well, she pats her chest and says tay tuh (Leighton). When you ask her a question she nods and says yeah, when you ask her how old she is (and whisper one) she holds up one finger, she can blow, she hates her teeth being brushed, but loves massages. She will let me massage her back for a long time and that is the only way to get her back to bed when she is sick.

that's all I can think of for now. She is the funnest little bugger!! We sure can't get enough of her!! She will turn one on the 24th of June. yay!!

well we will see how tomorrow's blogging comes along

1 comment:

Dan Romney said...

Here be the video link.