Monday, May 25, 2009

A day to remember

Aww Memorial Day. This day growing up- sadly didn't have much meaning to me. I didn't really know any one who had passed away, and didn't really get why it was so big. Each year I am getting it more and more. More so since my sweet Grandpa passed away. ( I hate saying passed away or died... how about... went to Heaven) 

Every year my family goes to the cemetery to visit my grandpa's grave (that sounds bad too. how about.... we went to visit my grandpa) We hear the bagpipes and sit around and just remember.

It makes me happy to know my daughters were so recently with my Grandpa when they were Heaven right before they came to our family. I just know he was bouncing them on his knee as he did so many times with us. I am not so sure if he is playing jokes in Heaven now. But knowing him, he is :)  He would hang us upside down over the banister/wall thing and let us go and catch us again. SO scary when we were little but it sounds fun now. Also how he would trap us and we had to "push the button" which was really just a kiss and he would let us go. 

I have so many fun memories of my Grandpa. I wished the last times we saw him he wasn't so sick. He died very sick and that will never leave me, but neither will all the fun memories. Even his funeral was fun (ok that sounds wrong,  but we made it very special) My grandpa went to heaven 4 days before his 70th birthday so on his actual birthday was the funeral. We let off balloons and sang happy birthday. The men from the army came and did their presentation. It was very neat. You know when they carry the casket under the men in uniforms  holding their guns? well my grandpa was brought under all the men in uniform holding golf clubs. LOL. He would have LOVED that!! 

Anyway, what a special day we have today to just sit and think of our families. Sure miss you Gramps! we love you

Ireland watching the bagpipes played


didn't take her long to get up and start dancing. She is not too shy :) give her any music and she is all over that!

One of the men kept stomping his foot... so Ireland did too!

It was hard to capture great shots. I was using my cell phone because my camera died :(


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