Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Let's see

I have 5- yes FIVE new posts but I don't have time yet to get them up. So here is just a quick update on the Romney household:

 My family (as I mentioned in an earlier post) is moving and until they can get into their house, we are having my sister temporarily living here, my moms bunny temporarily (it will live on my porch) and We are trying to get things ready for this sweet new baby's arrival. Also we are going on vacation from thursday to monday which means...... I should get packing!! I am excited to go. Daniel has been doing this new business venture and then myself -between watching kids here and running my bow business- I think we NEED this vacation. yay! It will be one last shebang before Leighton comes. Speaking of which, I think she is growing insanely fast.  I am 32.5 weeks and I believe I am now 8 months. She is running out of room! See for yourself:

anyway.... off to getting Leighton's room ready.... for my sister! 

have a wonderful day


Kristina P. said...

YOu definitely look pregnant! But it looks like you carry all your weight out front. You are one of those deceiving pregnant women from behind!

Pincock Ohana said...

You're so cute prego! I didn't know that your family is moving. I guess we all gotz to move on, right? You better post some pics of Leighton when she's born.

Erica Hanks said...

It sounds like a crazy busy time! Just be careful and don't bite off more than you can chew!

Hope you have a blast on vaca!!