Monday, November 2, 2009

lil cutie

she has been "singing" like this for quite a while. She lists off things she loves. In this one she names things like baby, mommy, binky, etc. and for some reason needs to say it into the baby booger thingy and at the end she always says thank you much! then says my turn, my turn which I guess means she wants me to have a turn? I dunno. She is so much fun and I cannot believe how big she is getting.

Anyhoo, what's new with us..... well I have about a hundred pics I need to post. ha ha. Oh, I am not kidding either. Let's see, we have Halloween, Ireland's party, our vacation from a few weeks ago, the rest of summer pics, what we have been up to this fall, and I am sure a bunch of random stuff. I am just crazy busy. Mom's with 2 kids or more, BLESS YOU cause I can barely keep myself going with 2 kids. :) Other things keeping us busy are: my business, right now I have a sinus infection, I am training to run a marathon in spring, I occasionally babysit on weekends, attempting play group to get Ireland some socializing (oh and for me too!), planning my lessons for my primary class, and whatever else pops up. sheesh :)  Daniel is working hard to support us at his job as well as his personal business. Ireland is learning new things every day. It seems at least 3 new words pop up each day, along with a massive attitude ha ha. Leighton is such a cutie! She had her 4 month and is now 15 lbs 8 oz. her dr said she is short and fat! yup. no new skills for me to report of her just yet. but soon.... wow  life is amazing, I surely can't complain..... too much :) Well I am simply exhausted and can't sit up much longer. Gotta rest then fold laundry. yippee. ha ha


Kristina P. said...

I still heart her! We need cosstume pics!

Abigail said...

I love this stage! Maddie's been doing random songs like that for a year now and I think it's the cutest thing ever. Her songs have changed a bit, from a list of things she sees, to now she sings like she's telling a story. . .today it was a story about going to church and learning about Jesus and having to sit still on the bench and how she use to live and go to church with Namma. . .it was rather entertaining.