Wednesday, November 4, 2009

You've had a birthday shout HOORAY!

Ahhh, FINALLY getting to post Ireland's birthday party pictures! The party was meant to be simple and small (well I tried anyway) So we had it with just my parents, my siblings and Daniel's parents, his siblings and  all of our sibling's children.

It was nice outside so grandpa played ball with the kids.

here is the birthday girl:

She got some really great and thoughtful gifts, but what gets me is Ireland opened these cute Roxy shoes and gave them a kiss. ?? um.... LOL ooooook! Silly girl. She got a doll and stuff that I think would be kissable. but the shoes?! (oh have I mentioned her OBSESSION with shoes??)

And this is obviously just me holding her so she can blow out her candles.

Thanks for being born Ireland!! :)


Lisa said...

happy happy birthday to your little lady! I think it's funny that she likes shoes... bring 'em on!

The Bohman Family said...

Happy Birthday Ireland!! Those shoes are way too cute!