Wednesday, August 19, 2009

can't quite decide

So I am a little crazy. A well known fact :)  but seriously, I have officially gone nuts. I have wanted my hair real short and real blonde for the summer. Didn't happen. Until now... the end of summer. In 3 days I have had 3 hair colors and a cut. my poor head is sorta mad at me 

Just days ago I had a blah length and a blah color:

Then I got my blonde and cut!!

BUT I was selfish and wanted it to be even more blonde. THEN I changed my mind and had to GO BACK and get the brown I wanted instead. 

The brown is cute! but now looking back I should have left the blonde alone

ha ha ha. yes I am seriously using a whole post to talk about my hair. It's what happens when I can't sleep. Real posts coming eventually


Leilia and John said...

LoL!!.. I love it Mandi, very entertaining.(: I love all the colors to be honest, but blonde is def my fav. It brings out your beautiful eyes!! Hope all is well. Baby girls are getting so big.. When was I supposed to stop by for a visit again?? (;

Kristina P. said...

I think you look great as a blonde or a brunette! Not many people can do that.

I do think that you look especially great as a blonde.