Tuesday, January 27, 2009


What should one do when smacked in the face by what seems like the most horrific adversity to grace your presence in a long time?

I will tell you what I am doing. 

Keeping my head up.  (except when I pray :))
Keeping my spirits up
Thinking positive
Being grateful
Crying if I need but make sure I throw a smile in from time to time

and just reminding myself: this too shall pass. I don't remember who told me this but I always remember it: when faced with something bad ask yourself, will this matter in 5 years? 

and I say NOPE

anyway. all will be well and we are safe from our trip and as usual I have pictures to post as well. for now, I am off to get ready for class.

have a lovely day oh and SMILE!


Kristina P. said...

Mandi, I hope you are OK!

Laura Dunaway said...

Mandi--I hope everything is okay. Check your email, I sent you one a few days ago. Let me know if you need anything. We love you!

Abigail said...

Isn't life so fun?
Ya. Not always. At least you have a good outlook on it!