Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Yesterday monday (the 6th) My wonderful husband turned 25. HOORAY! It was a good day and it was pretty relaxing. 

We invited Daniel's parents down for cake and ice cream. 
(yes I know I could have gotten ready for the day :))

How hot is this man right here??

Our birthday plans are all for this weekend to celebrate both of our birthdays so yesterday was more chill. We had a good dinner and watched madagascar 2. Daniel and Ireland had to dance at every song! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!! We love you and are so glad you are a part of this family! 


ok. so this morning I was picking up the house. But I noticed Ireland is gone. Where is that little GIRL?? There are 7 doors down our hall that we have to keep shut. Well hers is one of those and we don't HAVE to keep hers shut. If the hall is open the only door allowed open is her room so she won't get into trouble! I knew for a fact I kept the bathroom shut. She wasn't in her room, but All the doors were shut. Smart me left one door open and she went in, shut it and was here:
What a little MONKEY!!!

I tried to ask what she was doing. wouldn't answer me. I said HELLO! IRELAND!

she FINALLY  turns around and goes HELLLLLLO!  ha ha ha. her face is like what mom?!


Dan Romney said...

thanks Mandi for the great day. thanks everyone who wished me a happy birthday. it was a great day.

Kathryn said...

Happy Belated to your hubby! And Ireland is such a cutie! That is so something Bella would do! Actually, she does things like that daily :)

Kristina P. said...

Happy birthday to Daniel!

And you know I always love Ireland pics!

Erica Hanks said...

She is the cutest! I love her up there on the desk, checking out the baby! So cute!

Abigail said...

Her facial expression is so cute!! I love that she's looking at the picture of her little sister ultrasound!