Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Like sand through the hourglass......

.... So are the days of our lives.

"So, my life is very fun and interesting" says Ireland. "here are some good... and bad parts of my life. Some of this is from my point of view and some from my mom's. I really do have a good life, but sometimes being only 10 months old is hard." 
here is a glimpse of my life:

Oh this one. this was a sad day I guess. More like a sad moment.

this is usually how I am. unless mom doesn't give me what I want. or daddy walks by with out holding me or if I'm hungry or.... never mind

So grandma has started me on the puzzles. I am already brilliant. 

This is ireland either stretching for her morning run... or desperately trying to escape. maybe I should just ask her

just dancing with my daddy. I love him


The Bohman Family said...

So cute and so big! I can't wait to see you guys and hang out this weekend! Oh yes and the messes are just starting.. Ava will pull something out the second I put it away, Can you say cleaning all freaking day long is the story of my life!! Hello Suprise!

Kristina P. said...

Is it wrong to laugh out loud at the picture of her crying? Crying babies are funny/cute.

Mandi said...

it's not wrong. there was one i wanted to put so bad that I laugh at. alot. but didn't want people to think I have no heart. which i don't so it probably would have been ok. :)

Kristina P. said...

Mandi, I was just thinking about you! I relized you've been MIA. :)

No new posts, no comments, nothing. How's life treating you with your adorable little girl?