Monday, August 25, 2008


I have some fun pics to put up from the weekend but honestly I would rather blog about why I am not doing that right now. man my head hurts. a lot. seriously. They (my headaches) are back like everyday. It gets so bad that sometimes I can't sleep without ice on my head. Does anyone have advice? here is what works sometimes. Wear my glasses, then take ibuprofen as well as some caffeine then lay down where its dark and quiet and rest with ice on the very back of my head. thats a pain when you have a kid that wants to explore the world and I need to be up to supervise. grrrr. anyway, that is my vent for the moment. dumb headaches. 


Kristina P. said...

I'm so sorry! That must be miserabble. I've never had a migraine in my life, which is probably a good thing, because I am such a baby. When I just get a regular headache, I feel like dying.

Hope you feel better!

Kristin said...

Have you ever been to a chiropractor?

The Peterson's said...

Hey Mandi! I feel your pain! Literally. I have had chronic migraines since I was a little girl! Sometimes lasting for day! I usually have to lay down in a dark, cool and very quiet room and fall asleep before they get better. The doctor that I am going to now has me on a Rx called Midrin (or Duradin cause it is cheaper, but they are the same thing). Maybe you could ask your doctor about them! It helps for the most part, but sometimes when the migraine is extra stubborn, it takes a while to kick in.
Feel Better!!

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

I too have actually suffered from migraines since I was a child. I have never really found anything that helps, I get the ice pack , pop some excederin migraine and hope for the best. I have recently been told that I should wear a cold pack around my head and put my feet in warm water to draw the heat out of my body (have not triedt that yet), I have also been told to get a massage during a migraine but I have not tried that yet cause I have this weird massage phobia. Also been told to take one baby aspirin a day - I just started this- so can't say for sure yet if it is helping. Hopefully you find something that will help. OH, and I have never been able to find the reason I get migraines either. When I was younger I went from doctor to doctor and never could find out why.