Saturday, April 4, 2009

tummy time!

here is my gi-normous belly :)  just kidding but its getting big huh? I am 27 weeks. I have no idea when I start my 3rd trimester. I googled it and the responses I got were: 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 weeks. all of those supposedly start your 7th month. what the heck?! It's because everyone counts it different. *frustrated sigh*  Does anyone REALLY know?  I see the doc on monday. Maybe he will know, lol. Anyway, things are going so so depending on the day. I am finally getting back to normal as far as my breathing goes, and I think my sinus infection is gone. yay

That's all for now :)


Kathryn said...

Cute! I would say you are in the
3rd trimester. My book says 27 weeks and so does Babycenter. It's all downhill from here :)

Kristina P. said...

I know nothing about pregnancy. Seriously.