Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Let's be grateful

I am mean and grumpy. These hormones are kicking my butt and with me STILL being sick (yes still throwing up from time to time, ugh!) and not having time to take make my house look fabulous and this and this and that I feel I complain way more than I thank. I nag more than I appreciate. Not nice. Not cool. With this special holiday approaching I see a lot of people taking the time to say each day what they are thankful for. I did it I think twice. Not that I am not thankful for things, because I truly am; I just don't remember to post daily on facebook.

I am a primary teacher. I teach the sunbeams. I have 16 kids on my roll but usually get 10-11 at the most each week (rarely less than 8-9.) In Primary each week someone gives a "reverent thought" and as much as I usually would like to listen to these I am usually hushing the busy talkers or telling them to sit or whatever else. One day though I got lucky and heard a reverence thought and I LOVED it! To help her sleep at night she(the woman who told the story) would go through the alphabet and with each letter she would say something she was grateful for. cool idea huh? The day I heard that I smiled because the night before I fell asleep naming off things I was thankful for. Her idea sounds funner though.

I think I will try that tonight. I was going to write out the things I am grateful for but I need to get my housework done now while the kids sleep or I won't. That way I can be thankful for my clean home :)

What I will say though is to be patient. Be kind. Things I work on daily I ask of anyone who may read this. Be grateful and positive. Do the best you can anyway. I feel often I am not good enough at most things and that attitude is only going to bring me down. Love those around you and tell them so. Cherish the people you have in your lives.

I read a neat Marriage talk my brother saved me off his mission that gave me some good tips and I will tell you a part of it in my own words as I don't remember exactly: There was a woman whose husband never would empty the sink trap after doing dishes and it drove her INSANE. She would nag at him and nag at him to just empty the trap after. then one day she realized: he just DID the dishes AGAIN. cool now all she has to do is empty the sink trap. :)

I really like that story and need to remember it more often.

Anyway those were some of my random thoughts. Now I really have to go get my house picked up. :)

**I am grateful I have a house!! :)

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