Monday, November 22, 2010


Went to the dr today. Heard a heartbeat!!! WHEW what a relief! Baby is ok!
Told him about my dizziness and numbness in my belly.... yeah he doesn't like that at all :( He had them do a rush order on my blood work to hopefully get a clue what is happening to me. He also wants to see me in 2 weeks instead of the usual 4. He needs to make sure baby is still ok. He will call me within 2 days with my blood results. Hoping we get an answer! Also have not gained a single pound so far. Dr wasn't concerned. He was way more worried about my other issues. Guess now that I am getting sick less and less ( I hope!!) I better start feeding my face!! gonna plump this baby up!! :) Also apparently I can't count... we don't find out the sex of the baby the week of Christmas, well we can but I can technically find out the week before Christmas! Thanks to Sheena's idea we are going to go to fetal fotos the week before Christmas and have them find out the sex and not tell us. We as a family will look at the pics and video of the baby and find out all together for Christmas!! Except we will be finding out Christmas Eve. So fun!

On to non pregnancy news......

oh I guess I have nothing.

yay it's almost Christmas!! Suppose I should get shopping eh?

I seriously, seriously procrastinate. I also have zero time to shop and when I have time, like now I don't have a vehicle. ooh I love online shopping maybe I should do it all that way. Stay in my nice warm house.

I am hungry

I am sleepy

is 550 pm too early to go to bed?? It is when you have a 1 and 3 year old. Why don't they want to go to bed early?

I am in a random mood. Here are some random pictures:

My parent's 3 grandbabies. Leighton, Xander and Ireland

family pic in Moab (OH! I never did my last Moab post, sigh)

me and my mum

Me, my mom, my sister


The Bohman Family said...

You guys looking cute as always. I love the dark hair on Mckell!

Kristina P. said...

I will be thinking of you and lots of good sticky baby thoughts.

Tyler and Sheena said...

Yay. I kind of always wished I could do that. Now I can live it through you. Can't wait to find out what you are having. I say boy.