Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So a lot of people have wanted me to keep them updated on my (and daniel, my sister and cousins) progress with our 12 week Body For life Fitness Program. We all have different goals. You can read the post about that here . Anyway I will now tell how I have done. I got to week 2 and I had to slooooow down; because I kinda sorta got pregnant!! Insert 2.5 bottles of Zofran and a couple Phenergan (nausea meds) a trip to the ER with 2 bags of fluid to hydrate me, feeling like I took a sleeping pill daily for weeks. 5 weeks of daily puking, every smell makes me ill, seeing a heart beat in an ultrasound, having Ireland kiss my belly, giving daily thanks for this beautiful growing child in my belly, still working out when I can, being excited, exhausted, hormonal, anxious, etc. Man I love getting to talk about it instead of keeping it a secret!!

why does my font sizes keep changing? ha ha anyway it's driving me crazy.

SO here are answers to possible questions:

*due date: May 28th but the way I have kids it will be earlier.
*I am 10 weeks
*Yes it was 100% planned
*we have been planning since Lei was way tiny that we would try in NOV then we changed it to OCT then Daniel asked what's one more month? ha ha so we tried early and there you have it!
*yes we know they will be close in age; 23 months actually. It WAS planned that way. YES we know that's close. we love it!! We wanted Ireland and Leighton to be 18 months apart but we got shy of 21 months. it's not always our choice. It was ok and we are happy.
* if one more persons response to my pregnancy as: "again?!" I will take you off my friends list. not kidding. If you can't have a good response that is sincere and kind then please keep it to yourself k? thanks!
* we will find out what the baby is at 17 weeks through fetal fotos as a family. Then we will go in the next week to my dr and have the ultrasound to find how the baby is doing and growing. we never had good experiences with the finding out the sex through my dr's office ( I don't care for the lady that does it there otherwise I love the place)
* hooray!


Tyler and Sheena said...

Wahoo! That is so exciting. Congrats! I love having my kids close. My first two were 18 months apart and my second and third are 21 months apart. They are, usually, the best of friends.

JoAnn said...

I knew it!! I told my husband I thought you were pregnant by you saying you had a surprise in the spring, also I knew you liked your kids close in age. So I put two in two together! I knew it!! Haha, congrates you guys! I'm so happy for you! I wish I could say I had boy clothes for you if it is a he but my sis in law is due in feb with a boy. Please keep your blog updated, its exciting to hear news like this!

Mandi said...

thank you both!! yeah I gave away a hundred hints because I have been so excited!! I literally knew from day one and have wanted to share. My mom always told me to wait until week 12 but I am showing, been sick and everyone was catching on! thanks for your support ladies!

The Bohman Family said...

Yay!! That is exciting. Congratz. Are you hoping for a girl or boy? I know as long as they are healthy it doesn't matter. I like having both but I am hoping for another girl, I just love dressing them up. Wow I just had a baby and I am already talking about another one ha ha. Well good luck with being sick, it is never fun but always worth it!!

Kathryn said...

Yay! SO happy for your growing family!!! again?!! Seriously, people are so rude. I really hope you start feeling better!

Dan Romney said...

Yay! I can't wait to find out if little Kiwi is a boy or girl! The best thing in the world, is when you get home, and the little ones yell, "Daddy!" and run and hug your legs.
Now there will be 3 of them. Well, it will take a while for number 3 to do that, but I will look forward to it.

I love you Mandi!

Josh and Christina said...

That is soooo exciting!! Congrats on #3!

Mandi said...

thanks everyone! so exciting!!

I love you too Dan!

Duane and Sharen said...

Mandi: I just saw your blog and I am so excited for your and Daniel. When I saw you at Kaleb's Baptism, I was going to ask if you were expecting, but it is always embarassing to ask and find out that the person isn't pregnant. Anyway, Congratulations! Hope you start feeling well soon!