Monday, November 8, 2010

So I just realized we find out the sex of the baby the week of Christmas!! How fun is that?? I will not be disappointed if it is a girl I promise that, but I have my heart set on a boy. I think it's time. We have a name picked out for a boy. I have many names for a girl but Dan doesn't want to hear them until we find out it's a girl. He has his mind made up it is a boy. Oh how I love girls though. I am having a hard time not knowing what this lil nugget is and not able to SHOP!! there are so many cute outfits for both. sigh. no matter what... I am happy to just have a baby... boy OR girl!!

Leighton is doing really well with her glasses even though they are a tad too big. They are the smallest anyone makes. They slip down a lot but I know for a fact they are helping. Sweet baby girl she is.

Ireland is doing really well. I will gladly tell you more about that when I finally finish the post I have been working on for her. I really should get on that. I think (and hope) it gives everyone a better understanding of her, why she is the way she is and why I act the way I do with her)
She needs to get into a preschool. Yes I teach preschool and yes I love teaching her but I think she needs to get it from other people and be around different kinds of kids and different atmosphere than just at home you know?

I finally got all my pics uploaded to my laptop so be prepared to be bombarded by photos!!

Ireland has ALWAYS had an obsession with shoes (same with her sister) but Ireland takes it waaaay past real shoes some times. LOL oh my goodness check this out! yes those are play dishes. ouch

one child is tired and WANTS a nap and one child is tired and DOESN'T want a nap. I will let you decide which is which:

karaoke at Grammie's house in the play room

this is when I was about 8 weeks along. Seems how I didn't have a flat tummy to begin with I am not completely sure what all is baby :) I do know you show faster with each kid though and I do know some of that is in fact baby :)

Leighton can't just eat food normally. She likes to use just her mouth sometimes. it's cute

painting one of her pumpkins

Leighton before glasses. look at all the bumps and bruises. I am happy to say since the glasses she hasn't run into ANYTHING!!

ready for dance

the things that entertain kids

more dance

this is a sincere, natural shot. its blurry as I was trying to hide and be sneaky. I love how they are best friends

another natural shot. they love their reflections in the oven door and they love being fairy princesses. Who wouldn't ? :)


Tyler and Sheena said...

You should have the tech write the sex down and put it in an envelope and seal it. Then you can open it on Christmas day and have a wonderful present. No? I always thought that would be fun. Don't know if I could do it though. Can't wait to find out what you'll have.

Mom said...

I love that idea!
What a wonderful gift you get on Christmas!

Mandi said...

Sheena I love you- that is brilliant!! If it wasn't Christmas and if it would be for more than a few days I couldn't do it, but this will be awesome.

thanks mom, should be fun!

snow angels said...

MANDI I have been thinking about you so much lately! How are you feeling?? I can't tell you how excited I am for you to have another baby bug! LOVE YA! Amber

Kathryn said...

I was just thinking today and was going to text you that I think it is a boy! What a great christmas gift! And the girls are just too cute!

Kristina P. said...

How in the WORLD did I miss this announcement?!?! I am thrilled for you!!

Abigail said...

I missed the announcement too! Gosh I should pop over here more often!

Love the pictures of the girls! Especially with them on the trike together with Ireland in the basket!! Make me crack up!