Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's time!! Maybe

Warning. If you don't want to her about my pregnancy/labor update, feel free to exit my blog now. thanks :)

Here is the latest: I went to my regular Dr. Appointment yesterday which starts my weekly visits. He checked my and I am already dilated to a 3 and 75% effaced. I went in with complaints of feeling lousy. My back was aching, I had pelvic pressure and I had a bad stomach issue that was making me feel queasy and all that cuteness. :/ He said part of it is beginning of labor but he thinks I also have a stomach virus. yippee! not. He said I HAD to stay hydrated or I needed to go to the hospital for iv fluids. UGH I have already been there-done that this pregnancy. BUT any drinks did make me feel worse and nauseous. I had my mother in law buy me some gatorade today.

Anyway so he told me since I was 3 days away from 36 weeks (I wished they wouldn't have switched my due date back to May 28th especially since I have measured ahead in ultrasounds and each time they measure me at the appointments) anyway since I still had 3 days, if he kept me for delivery the hospital would try to stop labor which I completely understand. But if I could make it to Saturday then they won't try to stop it. So he put me basically on bed rest for 3 days. uh..... yeah I started to cry. I didn't tell him why but it was because I have all these kids I still babysit, it's because I have a 1 and 3 year old with no husband to help. How in the heck am I supposed to be on bed rest?? for 3 days though? that COULD be ok.

Last night I had bad, bad contractions that kept waking me up. When I tried to time them they were not consistent and yes I know the difference between braxton hicks and true contractions. These were PAINFUL!! but they never got closer so I went to bed. Woke up today feeling even worse. Felt like I did 2,000 crunches and that my back had someone tap dance on it for a bit in the night. So I am still on "bed rest" keeping this baby in me until Saturday. sigh. My dear friend Heather brought us dinner tonight as well as lunches, drinks and snacks for my kids for the next few days. :) so sweet!! Also my mother in law took the girls for a few hours today for play and lunch so I could rest and shower. I actually have had several people offer to help and it is so nice to feel all the love and support. I feel terrible to the parents of the kids I babysit but this couldn't have been helped so it obviously wasn't my fault but I do still feel bad

I have been praying all month that when I go in labor Daniel would get here in time. After thinking I was in labor last night I prayed again, this time that I would KNOW when to call Daniel. I couldn't imagine calling him, he races here driving almost 5 hours just to have me be like oops... false labor you know?? So my MIL suggests he just come home today. yes! brilliant!! He happens to NOT work the rest of the week or this weekend. Then he wouldn't have to race. He can take his time, spend the weekend with us, help pack, give the girls much needed attention and IF baby comes he will be here!!! Even though I just saw him for Easter (it was only 24 hours. NOT nearly enough especially when I hadn't seen him in 2 weeks before that) I am so grateful he gets to come. IF baby comes this weekend, his work is giving him a week off, so he can stay longer! If she doesn't, he at least got the weekend with us!! hooray!!

So.... any tips how to get baby to come early?? :) I want her to cook as long as possible and be healthy but I also don't want my husband to miss her birth and be dilated and contracting forever you know??

Has anyone ever been dilated for a long time before or does this mean I could have a baby soon?? holy moly I wished I just KNEW!!

ha ha

well..... I am going to go lay down and obey doctors orders.

ps thanks for all the fenugreek responses! I got really good feedback and have it packed in my hospital bag. I appreciate people responding even if I don't know you. I always like to hear from new people too. :)

have a good day everyone and maybe next time I post it will be about the birth of my sweet baby!! I can hope, right??

1 comment:

Elise said...

If you need any help, call me!