So I have a ton of fun pictures and christmas stuff to blog about, but I never seem to have enough time (seems how I post a hundred pictures each time) :)
plus I am lazy. I will however take time to do my thingy that I was tagged for because I love things like this. thanks Heather my love!
******Don't mind my mood.
My cousin heather tagged me. So here goes:
I am: thinking of new years resolutions and what needs to be done to my house
i think: that my cute friend Elise needs to come sleep over more! How fun was that???
i am happy: seriously. I am
i have: no dr. pepper and that makes me sad. :( and makes my head hurt.
i miss: no one really.
i fear: a lot of things. I need to learn to relax more and not worry so much about things happening to my family
i feel: kinda nauseous but am grateful I am not as sick now that I am farther along
i smell: what I had for lunch.
i usually: fall asleep reading a book (me too)
i search: for things I lost. which is nearly everyday
i wonder: if I am having a boy or a girl. I am so impatient! just tell me already!!
i regret: letting people get to me. I mean so what if you can't be happy for me and all of a sudden stop being my friend? I have other friends and I am still happy. I need to learn not to let people make me feel bad.
i love: daniel and Ireland. seriously. I laugh all day long with them. Daniel is the perfect man for me and Ireland is a princess. And I am blessed
i care: about quite a few things but I won't get into all of them now
i tell: too many stories. I have a story for everything. but...... that's me!!
i worry: when we drive in the snow
i'm not: perfect. and I never will be. And I am fine with that. I am happy to be me!
i remember: the good times and happy moments and try to push away the bad
i believe: that I am a great mom and hopefully am a great wife :) I am told all the time I am so that makes me happy
i sing: to myself. in the car. in my room. in the shower. to Ireland. to kids I watch. With my 3 and 4 year old kids in my primary class. I never sound good but I still have fun
i don’t always: say what I should. or think through things.
i don’t like: how impatient I am. one of my resolutions ;)
i write: everything. I write all the time. anything and everything
i win: some things, not a lot though :)
i lose: everything! mostly keys
i dance: every single day. mostly with Ireland. but sometimes just by myself
i wish: I had dr. pepper
i never: walk away from someone who helped me in anyway without thanking them.
i listen: to all kinds of music.
i don't understand: some people. really. I wished I could figure out why people turn a certain way or act a certain way or say the things they do. *sigh*
i can usually be found: on the floor playing with my princess
i'm scared: of spiders and car accidents, and burglers and losing a loved one and.... I could go on
i need: to relax.
i forget: a lot of things. I don't have a very good memory for little things and little details
I tag: anyone on my friends list