Friday, December 19, 2008

Sweet and sassy

You know what? I am not sure why I was lucky enough to have this princess, this beautiful child of God, but I am grateful and I literally thank heavenly father for her each day. She sure can be a sassy pants. nothing too bad though, we usually just laugh because sometimes she tries to throw a fit and we laugh at her and distract her by tickling her. She always forgets she was mad. Her worst fit consists of balling her tiny hands in fists, scrunching her eye brows, making some noise of frustration/anger then she is pretty much over it. Most of all she is so sweet I can't stand it. I will have wrinkles early from smiling so much! Anyway, onto some of the reasons I can't get enough of this kid:

It's rare you catch her without a smile and or singing and or dancing. example:

entertaining herself playing in daddy's banana chair. She tries to roll back like the big kids do

wanting to dance and be so big like the  kids I watch

and succeeding

this is great. where is Ireland? all I did is take her boots somewhere to dry. I come in the hall and find she not only dragged her chair up to the door, climbed up and was trying to get out. ha ha (check out the door, its christmas pictures made for me by some cute kids)

Oh how she can make a mess!!! but that is why we have toys! 

easily entertained. Just give her a drawer or toy box or ANYTHING and she will gladly sit and be content. (she did this on her own)

Talk about affection!! kisses and hugs all day

She will be happy with anything. Her newest love: hotwheels!

her love for anyone.... or anything!!! including a christmas stocking!! LOL 


Dan Romney said...

So she isn't lying, Ireland really is this awesome person with personality and all at only 14 months. She finds ways to make us laugh every day, and smile even when she might be sick. I love Mandi and Ireland.

Abigail said...

She's hilarious! What a cute kid. When my Maddie was about her age I filled a box she could sit in about a third full with rice and gave her two little cups. She'd sit on the rice and play for hours. It was hilarious.
I love how Ireland is 'loving' the stocking!!

Elise said...

Ireland makes me smile when I hear about her. I can't wait to see you. I know Ireland will make me laugh or try to make me laugh. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristina P. said...

She is just so stinking adorable! And she is always so stylish!

The Life Of Patrick and Hil said...

She's a cutie! I can't wait until I can take pictures of Ganon!