Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's Christmas!!

yeah, I know, I am late posting pics and all from Christmas. but I had too many pics to go through. And as everyone is aware I am busy *cough* lazy *cough*

none of these will be in order. I cannot sit long so I will not take the time to organize them :)

This christmas 2008, was THE best christmas I have ever, ever had. It was extremely stress free almost the entire month. And since I have watched kids so much the past few months, I was able to pay for almost all of christmas with out us really having to touch daniel's pay checks. it was amazing. So much family! So much food! So much laughing and fun it was almost too much. :)  :)  :)

My friend Amber text me and asked what was the funnest gift I GAVE. now that is the way to be thinking! she never once asked what I got, she asked what I gave then told me how much funner it was to give. I agreed 100 %. That is the best part about gifts is taking the time to pick something out and watching their face as they open it!! Love it!! Thanks for being an example Amber! 

ha ha ANYWAY, here is just some of the highlights from this year. Some before, during and after christmas.

Ireland had so much fun!! 

this was TOO adorable. Ireland kept pointing to the fridge when I picked her up, she pulled the picture of Jesus off. So I let her wander around holding it. She was really excited! then she stuck it on the door and just stared at him smiling and talking

then.... we look again and she is
kissing him!!! she wouldn't stop! so I finally had to put now wrinkly and slobbered on Jesus back on the fridge, where she then just stared at him. kids!!

my younger brother Matt

All of my siblings. Oldest bro. Mike, his back is to the camera then Matt in the middle and mekell on the right. look how tiny ireland is to all of them! Matt, kel and mike are tall. I however am not even close. I don't look like I belong. ha ha

sister shot, which we weren't expecting. I am so grateful for Mekell. seriously having a sister is the best! She is my best friend and spending christmas with her has been so great! I will be sad when she goes back to nevada this weekend (she is a nanny)

at my dads house. All Irey does is go back and forth through this curtain

Awwwww. Rose! I love her (she is my step mom) she made this. it is food!! all that on those sticks is cheeses olives and tomatoes. She is amazing!

playing in the kitchen my mom got her

Christmas morning. look at her cute jammies. I sent daniel on a mission to find her some new ones for christmas. he did good

Christmas Eve. wanting to wear mommys earrings. not the normal way of course

my dad had stockings for all of us! Even matt's girlfriend Shay. Hi kel!! lol lol

My dad's house is full of mirrors. Ireland loves to look at (and kiss) herself ha ha

a random pic of me since there wasn't any I liked because they were all taken when I wasn't expecting it. lol

her first time eating spaghetti. I know all kids have this pic of them but this is a one and only. Because I don't like it (spaghetti) and I won't make it! this was a kid cuisine thing. ha ha made me sick. no more!!

like I said, wrong order. this is Irey in her christmas dress on the sunday before christmas. with her da da. I LOVE them!!!!

la la la I am so cute


Kristina P. said...

She looks adorable in her little plaid dress! And I love the picture of kissing Jesus. Glad you had a great Christmas!

Anonymous said...

This was definitely one of the best years we've had. I'm glad I could come and be here for it all. You've got some very awkward pictures of me on this one, but I suppose thats the fun of it.

Abigail said...

Her Christmas dress is darling! What a fun kid she is! Glad you had a great Christmas!

Leilia and John said...

OMG Mandi! Ireland looks sooooo cutie kissing the picture of Christ. I have never seen that in my 25 years of life on earth, that's just too precious.. it's a MUST to be framed!! She'll love it when she gets older, trust! When I come down the next time, it's on my life of things to see, people to meet ya know!! Hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday, can't believe it's already a new year!! Woo-woo!!