Friday, December 5, 2008

Offending people

Ok, so I have realized I have a big mouth, I talk a lot and always manage to get in trouble for things I say although I never mean it. I always say something dumb at the wrong moment and always to the wrong people. I joke at the wrong times, I never know how to be quiet. This is nothing new. This is me. Mandi. The way I am. Unfortunately that will probably never change, as hard as I try, I end up countless times with my foot in my mouth. 

Now, with that being said It has come to my attention that I have offended someone (possibly others) with my blog post about being pregnant. It annoyed them and bothered them real bad that I was pregnant and talking a lot about it because some people can not have kids or are having a hard time right now.  Ok, can I just say I honestly with all my heart feel bad for those who have a hard time getting pregnant or for those who cannot. I have aunts who have struggled their whole lives, I have an aunt who never ever could have kids and have a wonderful adopted family. I will not say I know how you feel but I can try my hardest to support those people and be there for them (my friends included). 

I never intentionally went out of my way to talk about it to tick people off. I am a very open person I talk about anything and everything and I get very excited about things. But here is my point (and I am sorry if I offend someone with this as well) What about those people who aren't married and want it so bad? Or that haven't found the right person yet? I cannot be afraid to post about my family or husband because I might make someone mad, same with pregnancy or things with Ireland. 

I don't ever post things trying to please people, I don't try to do anything but vent, and share, and blab. Its what I do best. Please don't be offended by me or my large mouth. If all else fails, stop reading my blog please. 


Kathryn said...

Well said! This is YOUR blog and you are entitled to say what you want. If it bothers someone then, oh well, like you said stop reading! And friends should be excited and happy for you and you should never feel bad because you are pregnant. I for one have never read your blogs thinking you are intentionally trying to offend someone. I hope you feel better now :)

Dan Romney said...

If someone gets offended because you are pregnant, they need to get off their high horse be happy for their friends. I feel sorry for those that are having a hard time or can't as well, being a Dad is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I'll say this, if for some reason we weren't able to get pregnant, I would love the child I have already and be grateful that I have her.

The Peterson's said...

Honey, I have been trying to get pregnant for a year now, so I know how frustrating it is to not be pregnant month after month... I know the frustration that people feel when all of their friends get pregnant and are all super blissed out because of their pregnancy. But how does that make it right for me to be angry, well it does not. It is not your fault that I am not pregnant! It is not your fault that your other friends can not get pregnant. Those who get mad that you are posting about your pregnancy should not be angry or otherwise offended! They should be happy for you, and your new little blessing! You have every right to be happy and every right to blog about how things are coming along! So keep em comin!!

Kristina P. said...

Mandi, I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. I went back and read your posts, and I didn't see you posting anything other than you talking about being pregnant.

This is a blog about what is going on in your life. You are pregnant! It's OK to blog about it. Like you said, I guess I should never blog about my husband, lesst I offend people who aren't married.

I think as long as you aren't rubbing it in that you are pregnant, and others aren't you are doing fine.

Laura Dunaway said...

Mandi--Everybody on here has said exactly what I was going to say. This is your blog and you have the right to say whatever is on your mind. Like you said, if someone doesn't like what they read on here, then they should stop reading it. Please don't think twice about this, you are such a fun and cute girl. You have every right to be excited you are expecting and have every right to blog about it. After all, it's a part of what is going on in your life. Thus, that is what blogging is for. Take care! We love you guys!

snow angels said...

Are you serious? someone said that? i read it again to after i read this. it doesn't sound to me like you are bragging that you are pregnant. my comment though might have offended someone on that post. if it did i feel bad. but you should be able to post that without people being offended! i am excited that you are pregnant! :) anyways this probably doesn't even make sense but a lot of things don't when your pregnant lol. love ya girl!

angie said...

hey mandi...more power to you for doing the whole blog thing and putting your feelings out's not always easy to do. I admire you for that. It's not like you had an easy time getting pregnant either the first time around. There are so many things for people to be grateful for that they shouldn't be ragging on you for enjoying your life....please keep writing and posting exactly how you feel!

Amanda said...

I guess I'm selfish because I don't care if people get offended by my blog posts. It's your blog and your life. You can't make choices in your life based on other peoples feelings. And if people have a hard time with what you are writing, you're right, they should stop reading it.
I'm way excited for you and your new baby. I hope everything goes well and you have a more pleasant pregnancy.