Sunday, June 29, 2008

What a great day! Filled with festivities and FUN

The day was so much fun! (Saturday) We started the day by playing and napping, then going to the Utah Arts Festival, which was way awesome! we ended the day at the westfest.... here is the pictures and stories behind them:

So, I say many times how every morning I wake up to the happiest baby in her room, just talking and "singing". I hear her on the monitor, and that is what wakes me up. I love it!!! So I heard her this morning, and get my camera, and run in there and take a picture before I say anything. Here she is: gorgeous and happy. An every day event

You will hear about these chairs later... we need one!

Just having a snack, do you mind?

She has this new smile when I put the camera in front of her, I call it her "cheesy" i have it on video, just need to upload it on here. It's awesome!!

More "cheesy"