Sunday, September 21, 2008


So I just had a small drama/trauma. (Does that even make sense?)  Anyway, so I have been making Ireland's hair bows for  while now, and I was in major "make bow" mode last night and today because  I love to, but also people have been asking me to make some. So anyway, off and on since last night, I have been hot glue-ing like a crazy person, occasionally getting some hot glue on my finger, which is not a big deal. BUT tonight I was so just wanting to be done and racing through this last one, (oh, by the way, YES I need to tell long details for one thing)  :)  So I laid a strip of ribbon down, ran hot glue across it and was going to pick it up and quickly put it on the clippy because the glue dries fast. So I wasn't even thinking and stuck my thumb in the big glob of  hot glue on the ribbon, which actually really hurt this time. I, in a panic tried to fling the ribbon off my thumb, and the WHOLE piece of ribbon-with all that glue- flipped up and stuck to my hand, and then trying to get it off, the metal clippy got caught in this and had glue on it, and that dumb thing stuck to my other hand. luckily the glue dries fast. but OW! it hurt. LOL. whew! I was exhausted just typing it and remembering it. Sorry for my novel, just had to share. Luckily all my fingers and hands feel fine, but one finger did burn enough to blister. yuck. So while you are laughing at me and thinking of ways I could have avoided this mess... just smile and be glad that I could make everyone aware of what NOT to do. 

We are no longer friends 


Kristina P. said...

I'm glad you're doing OK!

Hey, are you going to come and help me eat breadsticks and alfredo dipping sauce?

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

Sounds like a very traumatizing incident- it always helps to talk about it. Glad to know that all is well and that you made it thru it.

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

Did I get tagged?

Team Box! said...

the toll of homemaking is painful!!
Sorry I haven't gotten the tutu to ya, I have been in and out of the hospital this past week.
I'll for sure have the tutu done for you to come pick up friday. I just need a couple things from you:
measure above her chest where the elastic will lay, so I know exact size.
also, measure the length, from the elastic down to where you want the tulle to end. (ankle, shin)
Just clarify what colors you wanted again. Pretty sure, it was lots of orange, brown, and some pink...
Sorry, I should have written in down, I'm always making lots of stuff!!
Thanks!! Let me know asap so I can get it going!

Kristina P. said...

OK, so this is weird and totally creepy, but I had another dream about you and Ireland!

For some reason, my mom was getting married in her backyard, and you had been invited. I saw you and Ireland seated, and was so excited to meet you. I said hello, and you ignored me!

I think I'm having meet and greet anxiety!