Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Treasure Hunt!

So there is this boy Parker from my ward I started watching, and I need to come up with new, fun things to do to keep him entertained and not bored. yesterday was our treasure hunt

tell me... how awesome is this map?? 

oh this? We are just walking on a tight rope. 

no, no, no the map says go AROUND the palm trees!

making sure the dragon is not out there

jumping over hot lava.

I seriously think I had as much fun (if not more) than parker. lol


Kathryn said...

Haha, you're so funny! And so creative! That is a great quality to have, one I wish I had :( Looks like you are doing good!

Kristina P. said...

Clearly, that's the most awesome treasure map ever. I wish you were my babysitter.

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

Wow it looks like you guys were having a blast! I think that I need to brainstorm with you for ideas, I just started watching a 4 year old little boy that I need to entertain and I may start watching a little 6 month old. Anywho I want to start teaching my kids, and doing fun stuff, however I seem to be a bit uncreative. If I come up with anything, you will be the first to hear it.