Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm not sorry...

... That I own WAY too many VHS. Or that I own ANY for that matter. whatever. I personally still like them and have two complete towers of them. Don't be jealous, I will let you come watch some with me:)

So I used to try to stop Ireland from pulling them all out. yeah THAT went over well. NOT. She is almost one and so curious. So I let her be curious. about 9 times a day. grrr

la la la. I make messes all day long. la la la

really mom, the dog did it! No I am serious mom. 

just liked this pic of Irey with my mum



Kristina P. said...

Mandi, I love the ball on a string idea. That's something I could play with all day long.

And I had a dream that I saw you guys at Target! I've always wondered if I ran into blog friends, if I would recognize them, but in my dream, I immediately knew it was you because of adorable little Ireland.

"Q" Tips, "K"razy fun and daily "L"ife said...

well if it helps I have some VHS movies still also, unfortunately I do not have a VCR. Go figure.
Yeah I am babysitting a 4 year old right now and it is going good , he seems to fit right in and he has not had a bad day yet.