Wednesday, September 17, 2008


ha ha lol. I was tagged by Keily. Now, the person who tagged her had not followed the rules, so then everyone else after that does not know them, so I went through a few people's blogs that had been tagged and got the rules and what pictures to use.

Check at the very end to see if you have been tagged. Oh and rules are there is no straitening, cleaning or wiping any kids nose. Be prepared or NOT. Well I was not prepared and kinda embarrassed at my houses condition. Don't be TOO critical lol. It SAYS to do ten pics, but since when do I EVER do only a small amount of pics?

#1. KIDS
what a goofy girl!

I love it because it is big

wow. um. sorry! This is only the top part of it. I couldn't even get ALL of the top. anyway, lucky for you, this is ALL I got!

these are NOT my favorite pair, it is just showing my favorite KIND of shoe. 

#5. SELF PORTRAIT, wished I didn't have to take "self portraits"

1 comment:

Kristina P. said...

Mandi, your house is so cute. I love Ireland's room. It's very girly.

Oh, and I have about 19 outstanding tags right now, so I can't promise I'll get to this in the near future. :)